The 3rd Annual Sun City Holiday Celebration

November 15, 2011 |

Celebrate the season and lend a hand to a vital community organization at the 3rd annual Sun City Holiday Celebration, taking place from 3:30 to 6:30pm Friday, December 9 at Lakeview Recreation Center. The event will feature the Amazing Duck Race, as well as a pie walk, a mini-golf hole-in-one contest, a Holiday Bizarre Bazaar, food, entertainment, the annual synchronized swimming show by the Aqua Suns and, of course, the traditional Lighted Boat Parade on Viewpoint Lake (sponsored by lake homeowners).

Proceeds from the Sun City Holiday Celebration will be donated to SCHOA’s Financial Assistance Program, which was chosen as beneficiary of RCSC employees’ annual holiday fund-raising activities this year. The Financial Assistance Program helps financially challenged Sun City residents who have limited resources to maintain their properties. The program operates completely off donations and relies on volunteers to help trim landscaping and businesses that donate their services to the needy homeowners. Two years ago, RCSC employees began a tradition of choosing a Sun City organization to benefit through employee donations in lieu of a co-worker gift exchange.

The Amazing Duck Race features rubber ducks that will “race” down the Lakeview waterfall and around the lagoon to be the first to reach Viewpoint Lake. Like last year, there will be two separate races. The top three finishers of each race will split 50% of the proceeds, with the other half going to the Financial Assistance Program. Of the percentage going to winners, first-place will win half, second-place 30% and third-place 20%. Tickets for the Amazing Duck Race are on sale at all recreation centers’ facilities attendant (monitor) stations and golf course pro shops. Ducks will also be sold the day of the celebration for the second race. Ducks are $1 each.

The Aqua Suns will kick things off at 3:30pm. Ticket booths will also open up at that time next to Lakeview Center’s mini-golf station for attendees to purchase tickets for the duck race, pie walk and hole-in-one contest. Win a pie for your own holiday celebrations by participating in the pie walk. Tickets are two for $1. Show off your putting skills to win some cash, while helping out SCHOA’s Financial Assistance Program, by trying a shot at the mini-golf hole-in-one contest. Tickets for the hole-in-one contest will be one shot for $1 or six shots for $5.

The Holiday Bizarre Bazaar will open up on one of Lakeview Center’s tennis courts and feature numerous items from the RCSC lost and found. All proceeds from the Holiday Bizarre Bazaar will benefit the Financial Assistance Program.
Benny’s Burgers will sell food and drinks beginning at 4pm. The Holiday Celebration will also feature live music provided by Fletcher Music, and numerous raffles will be going on around the celebration. The night will conclude with the traditional Lighted Boat Parade on Viewpoint Lake leaving Cameo Bridge at 6pm.

Come celebrate the season at the 3rd annual Sun City Holiday Celebration. You’ll have fun and be able to lend a hand to a vital local organization. When making your holiday plans, don’t leave out December 9. It’s going to be a very merry time!

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