The Sun City Choraliers, directed by Jane Brambilla, is a mixed vocal ensemble consisting of members who love to sing. Choralier members have varying backgrounds in music from vocalist to music instructors to practicing musicians.
We Sing: Broadway show tunes, Pop ballads, Standard big band classics, Vocal jazz, Spirituals, Patriotic, Classical.
We Perform: at Retirement Centers, Country Clubs, Civic and Ethnic Clubs, and Nursing Homes, approximately 25 shows from November through April.
Category | Music & Theater | |
Location | Fairway Center | |
Club Contact #1 | John Tate | 623-224-1750 |
Booking | Carol Morse | 623-933-7202 |
Director | Jane Brambilla | 612-209-1502 |
Rehearsal Time |
Club Fees |
Membership is open to all RCSC Cardholders. Participate in 1-3 rehearsals and then audition for director and a small committee.
For more information, please visit