The RCSC Board of Directors make dozens of decisions each year, always trying to decide what is in the best interest of the community. Sometimes we get it wrong and the beauty of Sun City and its self-governance structure is when we do, Members are quick to let us know. At the September 27 Board meeting, a dozen or more residents spoke out about the change in Motion #2, (Guest policy).
The proposed changes to the Board Policy was an attempt to prevent abuse and excessive use by non-Members. The Board’s intent with the proposed change was to make sure RCSC Members would have every opportunity to use the facilities and not to be displaced by guest usage.
After listening to the Member comments at the meeting, the Board decided the Members were correct and the policy revisions as written were not going to work. This is why it is so important for Members to let the Board know when they have concerns. The Board cannot always agree to everything Members suggest or request, but the Board does listen and respond to comments that are made.
Board Motions are always posted to the RCSC website,, in advance of each Regular Board Meeting. The Motions are also read at each monthly Board/Member Exchange. The Exchange is where Members can informally visit with the Board, ask questions about the Motions and express their concerns. The Board encourages Members to share their concerns by phone, email, letter or by attending the monthly Board Member Exchange and/or Regular Board Meeting. All the meeting dates and times are posted on the website, in the monthly SunViews, and at each recreational facility.
The Board thanks all the Members for coming to the Board Meeting and sharing their opinions!