Director of Golf Report – January 2014

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

Total revenue for December exceeded budget by $21,350 and prior year by $10,330. Total Green Fee revenue exceeded budget by $11,621, despite Tournament Income and Public Green Fees missing budget by a combined total of $13,106. Green Fee revenue was driven by Cardholder play and Cardholder Guests, which exceeded budget by a combined total of $30,582. Driving Range revenue exceeded budget by $3,771 and Merchandise Sales exceeded budget by $5,189.

Despite our December performance we still fell short of our budgeted 2013 revenue goals by $121,614. After February we were $156,502 behind our revenue budget, which means from March 1 through December 31 we exceeded budgeted revenue by $34,888. Our Net Operating Budget saw improvement as well, ending $70,794 behind budget, an improvement of $70,213 since February.

On February 13, Lakes East/Lakes West will be hosting the 6th Annual Teal Ribbon Tournament. The event is open to ladies and men and no handicap is required. It is a 9-hole event with a 9:30 shotgun start and a Texas Roadhouse catered lunch follows play at Sundial. In addition to golf there will be a 50/50 and a raffle. Net proceeds will benefit the AZ Cancer Center, Ovarian Cancer Research. Entry forms are available at each clubhouse and may be turned in to the starters at any golf course.

Golf Courses

The preliminary 2014 aerification/overseed dates have been submitted to Golf Advisory. Based on the success of our trial at Lakes West last year, each course will only be closing once for green aerification. We will still be removing the same amount of organic material. This will be accomplished by using larger tines in a tighter pattern. We will be less aggressive in our sand removal from the putting surface this year, with the intent of allowing the greens to heal more completely and quicker following aerification. It is important to note that the greens at North will not be overseeded this year and will be dormant. Not overseeding the North greens will place less stress on them following the renovation. The proposed schedule may be changed if unforeseen circumstances delay the North renovation project. Once approved by Golf Advisory the dates will be posted on the website.

Snack Shops

Total revenue for the snack shops exceeded budget by $968 for December and finished the year $26,428 ahead of their Net Operating Budget.

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