Director of Golf Report – July 2015

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

Once again this year we will be participating in Patriot Golf Day. Patriot Golf Day was organized, with the help of PGA of America, to raise funds for the Folds of Honor Foundation. The money raised is used to fund scholarships for spouses and children of military service men and women killed or disabled while serving our country. Starters will be collecting donations through the pro shops from September 4 through September 7. In addition to our normal fundraising efforts, we will be hosting a Skins game on September 4, open to all golfers; proceeds from the event will be added to our fundraising efforts. The event will begin at 7:00 a.m. with a shotgun start.


The dual aerification process tested two years ago at Lakes West and implemented on all courses last year was completed on July 28. Aerifying the greens twice, over two days, eliminates the aerification that normally took place in May/June. The dual aerification decreases the total number of days disrupted by aerification, effectively increasing the number of days available to play for year round residents.

The Riverview project is progressing as planned and remains on track for opening following over-seeding. The playable areas of the course finished grassing two weeks ahead of schedule. The final stage of grassing was completed on July 23, which included disturbed areas of the driving range floor. As the driving range floor is a less critical area (though large), the decision was made to delay grassing. By delaying, we ensured water was available throughout the rest of the course for irrigation, without taxing the system. We have had several third parties review the grow-in; all have been impressed with the quality of growth.

Much of the course has returned to near normal watering levels. The greens have been mown several times and are in a rotation of applying fertilizer and top-dressing.

Despite our pleas, interested parties continue to travel onto the course and off of the cart path, causing damage. We beg of everyone to please stay off the course, until it is reopened.

Snack Shops

Snack shop revenue continues to exceed expectations. We continue to thank everyone that supports our snack shops. The snack shops provide a comfortable setting for breakfast or lunch and are open for golfers and non-golfers alike. We invite you to give us a try.

Lawn Bowl

The Lakeview Lawn bowl greens are in the process of growing in, after a successful sprigging. The greens were mowed for the first time on July 24, to remove early growth and the sprigs that did not take. The greens are going through their fertilization program and will be receiving their first top dressing soon. The plinth boards will be GPS’d to ensure they remained level throughout the renovation.


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