General Manager Report – May 2016

by Jan Ek

Financial Report:

We have completed April 2016 well within our operating and capital budget. Every division has operated better than budget year-to-date. Today the Board will be voting on a motion to purchase a tract of land and building located at 10415 West Grand Avenue, Sun City, Arizona. The purchase price of this property is $750,000 and will be funded by operating capital. Despite the fact that this is an unbudgeted purchase, we have accumulated the necessary funds to make this purchase by continuing to operate better than budget. Therefore, the funds are coming from prior years’ carryforward excess to make this purchase.


The 28th Annual Sun City Open Senior Bowling Tournament was held on the last weekend of April producing $5k in income. Bowlers from all over Arizona participated in the event.
Bell Lanes will begin the monthly summer No-Tap bowling tournaments which are held the last Sunday of each month, the first tournament will be held on May 29th. All bowlers are welcome whether USBC certified or not.

Bowling scores were outstanding for the 2015/2016 season, Lakeview Lanes had fifty-five 300 games and Bell Lanes had twenty-one 300 games. Both RCSC Bowling Centers remain the top scoring centers in the state.

Cardholder Services:

Payments on past due assessments in April maintained the increased level from last month. Overall accounts receivables decreased in April with all past due categories seeing a decrease while the current category increased due to April being our highest annual property assessment billing month of the year. Payments from our third party collections firm were very strong in April and year to date payments total $75,226 which impacts the overall accounts receivables positively.

Historically we have focused on the accounts receivables balance in tracking receivables over time. Looking at this a little differently, we have seen the count of property owners who are past due decrease over the past several years. At the end of April the number of past due owners has decreased 15% from 2015 and 46% from 2012.

In April, property transfer related balances decreased by 3.4% and lender owned related balances decreased by 30%. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent approximately 53% of all receivables due and 52% of past due balances.

Payments made by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal in April totaled $93,615. This is below last month’s high but continues to represent a growing adoption of the online web portal by property owners to make payments. Year to date web portal payments total $351,200.
Trustee sale notices on Sun City properties decreased to 41 properties at the end of April. The number of properties owned by lending institutions decreased slightly this month to 29 properties.

Preservation and Improvement Fees collected in April were $879,800, which is $298,800 over the amount budgeted. Year to date PIF fees are $2,763,400, which is $834,900, or 43%, over budget for the year. The year to date total is up 17% from 2015. Again a reminder that we intentionally budget PIF income very conservatively to assure that we have the cash on hand for any planned project as we remain debt free.

In April we saw 5 additional closings within the new Four Seasons at the Manor development. A total of 11 closings have completed year to date with another 7 pending. Due to the uncertainties of a new development outside the control of RCSC the closings for this development were not included in the 2016 PIF budget.

Human Resources:

The voluntary CPR/AED/First Aid training classes that RCSC is providing to its employees have begun. So far, four sessions have been held with 39 employees in attendance and all have received a two year certification verifying satisfactory completion. Additional classes are being scheduled over the next few months.

Recently, HR completed a review of employee work related injuries from January 1, 2015 to date, a period of approximately 17 months. There were 26 on-the-job injuries reported as follows: 16 in Golf and Grounds Maintenance; 1 in the Pro Shop; 1 in the Snack Shop; 2 in Bowling; 6 in Centers. All accidents are responded to immediately including filing the proper paperwork and follow up for accident prevention purposes.

Safety is a primary concern and we are dedicated to providing a safe environment for employees, as well as those who use the facilities.

Member Services:

Johnny K & Kompany were back by popular demand and many are requesting that they come again, so we are bringing them back in 2017 for our Senior Prom in April. This band is so versatile and fun to dance to! Watch the Sun Views for this event in April 2017, as it will book up quickly and will be limited to 500 people.

Our closing show of the Sun Bowl spring series was Yesterday Once More. The band entered the stage in their impressive, all black and white attire. When the first note was played, the dance floor filled up and stayed full until the second encore was finished. This band was so full of energy, and they kept the place hopping. What a great way to end the spring series.

Our next free show will be Wednesday, June 29, as we welcome to the Sundial Auditorium stage Eddie Diamond with his tribute to Neil Diamond. Please note this show had to be rescheduled from the originally announced date of June 15. Doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 7pm. Please be sure to bring your RCSC membership card for admittance. Key fobs will not be accepted.

The full 2017 line-up is booked, and it is even more exciting than this year! The list of performances will be released on the website at, and will be available at the Lakeview Clubs Office in July 2016. Check SunViews for the procedure to purchase season tickets which will be available for purchase by RCSC Cardholders only and only during the month of November 2016. No individual show tickets will be sold until December 2016, when they will be available to RCSC Cardholders only. Then beginning January 2017, if there are any tickets left they will be available on a first come first served basis to both Cardholders and non-Cardholders.


For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our website under the corporate tab. Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC news alert emails!

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