Assistant General Manager Report – October 2018

by Chris Herring

Building and Infrastructure:

Grand Ave

  • The Plan of Development (POD) submission has been completed with Maricopa County. This is a high-level review of the site usage plan including building placement, grading and drainage. This multi-month process is required, and approval is a pre-requisite for the development of the site. Additionally, this process is separate from the building permit process and is required before permit issuance.

Lakeview Center

  • Work has begun on the renovation of the Lakeview Center Fitness Restrooms. This work includes a complete demolition of the current restrooms and shower room fixtures, and a rebuild based upon a redesigned layout. Currently all demolition has been completed. Work started on October 15 and is projected for 9 weeks to complete. Contractors are: Valley Architecture, KAW Construction, Spray Systems, 1-800 Cooling and Supercharged Electric (Cost – $219,133).
  • Due to the timing of the start of the restroom renovations, the renovation of the upstairs restrooms at Lakeview Center will not be completed until 2019.

South Golf Course

  • Work progress to date includes: Ground grading and pad build is complete, footers have been poured, stem walls are approximately 75% complete, and plumbing rough-in is approximately 95% complete. Floor slab is scheduled for placement on October 26, 2018 barring any rain or other delays.

Sundial Center

  • The work to repair concrete curbing and replace the turf carpeting throughout the mini golf course was postponed earlier this month due to inclement weather. The concrete repair was completed on October 5 and turf carpeting began on October 23. The work is anticipated to be completed with the Mini Golf course open as of October 29 provided there are no additional weather delays. Contractors are DFG Construction and Baker Brothers (Cost – $24,604).
  • The mirror was removed, and paint touched up in the Hatha Yoga room. Contractors were Jororan and Exquisite Painting (Cost – $926).

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