Assistant General Manager Report – January 2019

by Chris Herring

Building and Infrastructure:

Grand Ave

  • The Plan of Development (POD) for the Grand Ave project has been approved by Maricopa County. Final civil engineering drawings are anticipated the week of February 4 with permit submission expected the same week. RCSC and the architect have met with each of the clubs to review the planning for each club’s space with the feedback received going into the final design documents. Additionally, the permit filing with Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) for the deceleration lane was completed on January 30. This permit is separate from the building permit with Maricopa County.

Lakeview Center

  • Work is nearing completion on the renovation of the Lakeview Center Fitness Restrooms. Tile work is almost complete. Plumbing fixtures, partitions, paint, ceiling and fire sprinklers are all completed. Final work tasks will be completed over the next two weeks with opening dependent upon the final inspection. Contractors are: Valley Architecture, KAW Construction, and Spray Systems (Cost – $232,495).
  • An additional 800 pounds of Rainbow Trout from Idaho was stocked in Viewpoint Lake on January 29. RCSC Cardholders are reminded that no fishing license is required and there is a limit of 3 trout per day. Also, no fishing is allowed from the boat docks (shore or pier only) or near the boat ramp.
  • The large exhaust fan for the indoor spa at Lakeview Center failed and was replaced. This addresses the recent humidity buildup in this space. Included was the installation of a new electrical shutoff switch. Contractor: RCSC Skilled Trades (Cost – $2,535).

South Golf Course

  • Work continues to progress. The exterior of the building is showing progress with stucco color applied. The roof penetrations have been sealed, with the foam and sealant coat applied to prevent water intrusion as the interior of the building is worked on. Low voltage cabling has been roughed in. Walls have been insulated and drywall installed. Windows and door installation are beginning in order to seal up the building. Concrete forms for curbing and the patio area have been built in preparation of concrete work.

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