Financial Report
The Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. (RCSC) has ended December 2020 within its operating and capital budget year to date. All Divisions, with the exception of Bowling and Food Service, have met or exceeded their net operating budget projections year to date with total operating income $159k (1%) favorable to budget and operating expenses $720k (4%) favorable to budget. Bowling and Food Service declines are driven by the COVID-19 closure and restrictions. Bowling did reopen in August, but income remains lower than budget. Income favorability is driven by higher than budgeted income in the Building & Infrastructure and Golf Divisions. Operating expense favorability is primarily driven by lower payroll, utility and general operating expenses across multiple Divisions. Year to date operating excess without projects favorability is $764k (31%) favorable to budget. RCSC is continuing to see the effect of the COVID-19 related slow down with December monthly operating income shortfalls in Bowling and Member Services totaling $82k. However, we are starting to see a turnaround with December operating income favorability in Golf, Building & Infrastructure and Food Service of $213k, which helped offset the monthly shortfall.
Cardholder Services Report
Payments on past due assessments in December were 9.8% of past due balances. Overall accounts receivable decreased in December by 1.0% and is up 6.4% from the beginning of the year. Overall accounts receivable past due balances have increased in December by 5.4%. November assessments went 30 days past due at a 5.4% rate and October assessments went 60 days past due at a 2.2% rate.
Payments from our third-party collections firm totaled $34,594.36 in December. Year to date payments through our third-party collections firm total $251,872.99. Payments made in December through the online RCSC Web Portal totaled $144,660 from 320 property owners. Year to date web portal payments total $1,974,058 from 4,164 property owners.
In December property transfer balances decreased by 3.8%. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent 52% of all receivables and 53% of past due balances. At the end of December trustee sale notices on Sun City AZ properties ended at 27 and properties owned by lending institutions increased to 2.
Great Plains Accounting Software upgraded successfully. The upgrade contains enhancements allowing for greater upload/download capacity.
The Portal upgrade process continues with increased testing underway.
In December, the Information Technology team responded to 40 service requests fielded via the IT service request e-mail.
Paylocity implementation successfully completed with the first payroll processed the week of January 11, 2021. The Human Resources and Payroll teams are already realizing the benefits of Paylocity through reduced paper usage and reduced time to process.
In 2020 Human Resources processed 203 job requisitions. Time to fill requisitions Key Performance Indicator in 2020 ended at 12.91 days, which is considerably lower than the 2019 average of 31 days.
Bell Center
Fairway Center
Grand Center – Building II
Lakes East/West Maintenance Yard
Marinette Center
Oakmont Center
Sun Bowl Softball Field
Sundial Center
Skilled Trades
New Issues:
Issues Resolved:
Open Issues:
Lakeview Rear – # 01/02/03/04: Like the Oakmont site, the inverters at the Lakeview Rear site stopped communicating with the AlsoEnergy in July of 2018. The Lakeview Rear inverters are Fronius models like those at Oakmont Center with these two sites being the only Fronius inverters in the RCSC Solar environment. Fronius sent the wrong parts needed to get the communication back. We are waiting for the correct part.
Production Data:
After including December’s production data, the lifetime to date production versus expected went down slightly and is over expected by 4.84%. The percentage of inverters producing above expected remained the same at 76%.
Pro Shops
Rounds in review (2020), we began the year with a good start and much improved weather over 2019, leading to a strong January and February, with the onset of Covid-19 March rounds decreased compared to prior year. Despite the impact of Covid-19 in March, rounds for the first quarter increased by 4,064 over prior year. Throughout the last nine months of 2020, each month showed significant increases over prior year. For the year, the golf division finished with 345,589 rounds, which represent the highest recorded round total since 2007.
Though we are pleased with the level of golf being played, there are guidelines we all must follow while doing so. Congregating in large groups is not allowed, even if the congregation is outside of the snack shop or patio area. Golf carts are limited to one rider per cart, unless the other rider is an immediate family member (father, mother, child or sibling). Face masks are required inside pro shops, snack shops and clubhouse restrooms, along with 6 feet of physical distancing. Snack shop and patio capacity are limited to the number of chairs and tables provided; no additional congregating is allowed.
Snack Shops
Snack Shop revenue continues to be hampered due to reduced snack shop capacity. For the month of December snack shop revenue was 14.5% below budget.
Golf Courses
The preliminary aerification/overseed schedule was presented to the Golf Advisory Committee this month. We will continue our practice of a single, more aggressive aerification. In addition to regular aerification events we will be solid tine aerifying more frequently. Solid tines do not impact the green surface to the extent of hollow tines and do not require course closures. Fairway verticutting begins at the end of April and in two-day blocks. Though it does not eliminate transition related issues, it does open the grass canopy by thinning out the rye grass, allowing the Bermuda grass base to recover from dormancy quicker. Representatives of Golf Advisory were asked to review the schedule with course green committees to resolve any conflicts ahead of time.
Lawn Bowling/Grounds
The pace of play on the lawn bowling greens ranges from a low of 13.5 seconds on Lakeview East to a high of 14.5 seconds on both Bell South and Mountain View. Moisture readings range from a low of 9.5 at Oakmont to a high of 11.5 on Lakeview East. Greens are mowed once per week, mostly to clear debris and are rolled two to three times per week.
The grounds crew has remained busy over the last month cleaning up late falling leaves. In addition to cleanup bushes and trees are trimmed on a regular basis.