Consider Running for the RCSC Board of Directors? Take the survey!

Please respond to the attached survey regarding the RCSC Board of Directors Election. Responses to this survey will be tallied and the information shared with the Elections Committee.

Each December three new Directors are elected and replace members whose terms are expiring.

What are the candidate requirements?
According to Article VIII, Section 4 of the RCSC Corporate Bylaws, an eligible candidate for election to the Board of Directors must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age;
  • Must not be related by marriage or birth to any other member of the Board, Senior Management Staff, or Board Candidate;
  • Must be Deeded Real Estate Owner of property in Sun City, Maricopa County, Arizona as well as a resident of Sun City;
  • Must be a Member in good standing;
  • Must reside in Sun City, Arizona and be available at least ten (10) months of the year;
  • Must meet the requirement to hold an Arizona liquor license; and
  • Must be eligible and available to serve a three (3) year term; and
  • Must attend Board Candidate Orientation(s).

PLEASE NOTE: According to company policy, an employee in any position cannot continue employment while serving on the Board of Directors. An employee may run for the board, however, if he/she is elected, the person would have to resign his/her employment with RCSC and would normally be eligible for rehire upon completion of his/her term.

Take the survey now!