Strategic Alternatives Committee (SAC) Co-Chairs Appoint Committee Members, Expert Advisors & Establish Operational Location


The SAC co-chairs, Jeff Darbut, John Fast and Karen McAdam, have announced the following appointments to the SAC:

Committee Members
Player’s Club Bill Loslo
Water Volleyball Scott Herrington
Mini Golf Tamela Ohm
Pickleball Dan Haberman
Dance TBD
Tennis Dave Clawson
Aquatic Fitness Elsa Will
Lawn Bowling Pete Lencheck
Long Range Planning Steve Oaks
MV Neighbor Paul Higgins
MV Neighbor James Keppler
At Large Norm Dixon
At Large Anita Borski
Expert Advisors
General Manger Bill Cook
Director of Building & Infrastructure Mike Wiprud
Director of Operations Chris Herring
Executive Coordinator Marcia Johnson


The SAC will be conducting its weekly meetings in a dedicated space at Oakmont Building B (aka SAC Labs) and will hold an orientation meeting on Friday, April 21 at 2:00pm to orient members of the committee with respect to meeting schedules, communication processes, timelines and other processes and procedures to be used at the SAC Lab.