
Annual Property Assessment – $575/year/property (as of January 1, 2024)**

Every Deeded Real Estate Owner of a Sun City property, or their successor, has signed a Facilities Agreement that obligates them to pay an annual property assessment whether or not they occupy the property or use the recreational facilities. Failure to pay these fees by the due date will render any RCSC cards issued for the Sun City property no longer valid and the respective cardholders no longer eligible to use RCSC facilities or participate in Sun City clubs.

Preservation & Improvement Fee – $4,000/occurrence (as of January 1, 2022)

A Preservation and Improvement Fee shall be imposed on the purchase, acquisition, transfer, inheritance, gift or any change in ownership of legal or beneficial interest in the title to property located in Sun City, Arizona pursuant to any deed, contract for sale, will or other instrument or document transferring an interest in such property, so long as the original payor of said Preservation and Improvement Fee no longer retains a majority ownership interest in the property.

Capital Improvement Fee (for closings starting January 1, 2024) *$1,000 per occurrence
A Capital Improvement Fee shall be imposed on the purchase, acquisition, transfer, inheritance, gift or any change
in ownership of legal or beneficial interest in the title to property located in Sun City, Arizona pursuant to any deed,
contract for sale, will or other instrument or document transferring an interest in such property, so long as the original
payer of said Preservation and Improvement Fee no longer retains a majority ownership interest in the property.

Transfer Fee – $300/occurrence

A Transfer Fee shall be imposed on the purchase, acquisition, transfer, inheritance, gift or any change in ownership of legal or beneficial interest in the title to property located in Sun City, Arizona pursuant to any deed, contract for sale, will or other instrument or document transferring an interest in such property, so long as the original payer of said Transfer Fee no longer retains a majority ownership interest in the property.

Privilege Cards

Annual Privilege Card –  $287.50

Short-Term Privilege Card (30, 60, 90 days) – $75/person/month (as of January 1, 2017)

A qualifying non-owner, renter, tenant, lessee, occupant of a Sun City property may be eligible to purchase a Privilege Card. Please refer to the Corporate Bylaws and Board Policies for eligibility and process.

Miscellaneous Fees

Returned Check – $25/occurrence

Late Payment Fee – $10/occurrence

Past Due Balance Fee – 16% interest/annual

Facilities Agreement Recording Fee – $30/occurrence as of July 1, 2019

Lien Recording/Discharge Fee – $150/occurrence as of July 1, 2019

Lost RCSC Card Fee – $10/occurrence

Host Punch Card – $20/card

Facility Rental Fees

Golf Fees

Bowling Fees

Please Note: All fees may be subject to change with or without notice.

**Effective January 1, 2024

<a href=”https://suncityaz.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/FORM-Refund-Request-2022-09-01.pdf” color=”orange” target=”_blank”>Refund Request Form</a>

<a href=”https://suncityaz.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/SurePay.pdf” color=”orange” target=”_blank”>Sure Pay</a>

 Pay Property Assessment

Cardholders have several options for making annual property assessment payments:

In Person:

Annual property assessment payments may be made in person by visiting Cardholder Services, which is on the lower level of Lakeview Recreation Center, 10626 W. Thunderbird Blvd.

By Mail:

Send payments with property address or cardholder number to:

Recreation Centers of Sun City
ATTN: Cardholder Services Office
10626 W. Thunderbird Blvd
Sun City, AZ 85351


Annual property assessments can be paid online by using the RCSC Web Portal.  Annual property assessment payments made through the RCSC Web Portal may be made by any of the deeded property owners through their web portal account. A help document for signing up for and navigating the portal is available online.

The Original Fun City!
Copyright © 2024 Recreation Centers of Sun City. All rights reserved.


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