Director of Golf Report – March 2012

By: Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

Revenue for February was $696,272, which exceeded budget by $92,867 or 15.4%. Green fee & cart fee revenue were 23% ahead of last year and 20% ahead of budget. Merchandise was 17% ahead of last year and 6% ahead of budget. Driving range revenue was 38% ahead of last year and 22% ahead of budget. Play from Sun City residents, members and their guests were $74,912 ahead of budget or 20.8%, we thank everyone for their support.

Rangers conducted their first meeting with Jose Cordero serving as lead ranger. An attempt is being made to contact former rangers to learn what led to their decision to leave the program. A strong request to recruit more rangers was also made. We currently have 15 rangers that are actively putting in hours.

We recently held our large group meeting. The meeting was well attended, with 37 groups sending representation. Information gathered will be used in the event changes are made to our current system of taking reservations. Many good ideas were given and recorded during the exchange. Those present were split about 50/50, in their opinion of keeping the current system or changing. As previously noted in golf advisory the use of cell phones at the course is a frequent complaint.

Golf Courses

While a boon for revenue, the lack of rainfall is the biggest issue facing our courses in 2012. Through the month of February RSCC courses have used 3.3 million gallons over our January/February budget and 51.7 million gallons more than 2011.

The lack of rainfall creates several issues for our courses. First, the lack of rain results in increased electrical usage to pump the required water. Second, we are allotted a maximum amount of water to use for irrigation by the State, through February we are 3.3 million gallons over that budget. Lastly, the reduced rainfall results in increased salt levels in the root zone of our turf and trees. High salt levels breakdown the soil, reducing the amount of air in the soil. As the soil breaks down more water is required to keep the turf healthy. Prior to our recent rain many dry and hard areas were beginning to appear. The lack of rain is also a major contributor to the tee boxes becoming hard.

As recommended by the USGA agronomist we are in the process of purchasing brushes for our green mowers. The brushes will create a smoother putting surface with less grain. The brushes are less aggressive than vertical mowing and can be used more frequently. The brushes can also be used in the winter months.

We have begun lowering mowing heights in preparation of transition to bermuda. Lower mowing heights allow for more sunlight to reach the bermuda. More sunlight increases the bermuda’s chance of survival during transition.

Snack Shops

Revenue for Snack Shops was $12,440 ahead of budget or 24.9%. Both golf and snack shops have benefited from the warmer temperatures and lack of rainfall. Popcorn has recently been added as a snack and has proven to be a brisk seller.

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