RCSC Board Policy Resolution No. 14

Posting of Signs & Distribution of Literature


WHEREAS Article IV, Section 7 of the Corporate Bylaws empowers the Board of Directors (“Board” or “Directors”) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. (“RCSC” or “Corporation”) to adopt Policies (“BP” or “Policies”) not in conflict with the Restated Articles of Incorporation (“Articles”) or the Corporate Bylaws (“Bylaws”).

WHEREAS to minimize inconsistencies, misunderstandings and misinterpretations inherent in verbal instructions, rules and regulations, the Board of Directors has established Board Policies in written form. Such Policies shall be titled, numbered and indexed for easy reference and use.

WHEREAS the Restated Articles of Incorporation and the Corporate Bylaws shall take precedence over Board Policies and that the following Board Policy on Code of Conduct and RCSC Rules and Regulations shall provide instruction, direction and guidelines regarding such and shall remain in effect until such time it is amended or removed by the Board.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Corporation shall adhere to the following policies regarding Posting of Signs and Distribution of Literature:

No sign, literature or petition may be posted or distributed on RCSC property or in RCSC facilities if it contains scandalous, malicious, defamatory or libelous language. The Board of Directors and Management are authorized to police all posting of signs, distribution of literature or advertising on RCSC property and to order anyone to cease and desist and vacate RCSC property. The RCSC may destroy any unauthorized postings or distribution.

1. Commercial

No commercial signs or notices may be placed on or affixed to any RCSC property or facility. No literature or advertising of a commercial nature may be distributed on or in RCSC property, with the following exceptions:

a. When an outside entity has entered into an agreement with RCSC for the temporary use of a facility or area, signs and literature appropriate to that use may be posted or distributed within such facility or use area;

b. When a Chartered Club has invited an outside company or vendor, for the specific purpose of promoting the Club’s activities; and

c. Commercial advertising signage may be placed on RCSC’s softball park facilities as pre-approved by the Assistant General Manager. Such signage may be removed if not pre-approved or if adequate upkeep or replacement is not upheld as deemed suitable by the Assistant General Manager.

Copies of signs and notices shall be submitted for approval to the Corporate Office before posting or distribution begins.

2. Chartered Clubs

Chartered Clubs may post Club-approved signs in their assigned space, or in other places designated for such use. Limitations on postings outside of the Club space are under the control of the Clubs & Activities Office. Club-approved literature may be distributed anywhere on RCSC property, as long as such distribution does not interfere with normal use of the amenities or facilities. All signs and literature will carry the name of the Club posting or distributing it.

For more Chartered Club signage policies, see Board Policy No. 12 – Section 20.

3. RCSC Activities

Signs and notices relating to RCSC events and activities may be posted only in those places designated for such use (i.e. bulletin boards, information easels, tent signage, brochure/flyer racks, electronic signs and etc.). Details concerning size, placement and posting duration are under the control and approval of Management, excluding signs for RCSC Elections which shall be under the control and approval of the Chairperson of the Elections Committee.

4. Personal Notices

RCSC Cardholders may post approved notices (3″ x 5″) of personal interest in places designated for such use which shall be under the control of Management. RCSC Cardholders may also distribute approved literature covering personal interest on RCSC property which shall be under the control of Management. All such notices or literature shall carry the name of the RCSC Cardholder.

5. Non-RCSC Issues

The posting of signs, flyers, posters, banners, or any communications or notifications or distribution of literature concerning non-RCSC issues, events or activities is strictly prohibited by any group or individual other than RCSC organizations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be posted on the RCSC website for members and shall be made available to members upon request at no cost.

Adopted and signed this 19th day of December, 2013 at a duly called Board meeting by a majority (5) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. Board of Directors.

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