RCSC Board Policy Resolution No. 21

Membership Documentation Requirements

WHEREAS Article IV, Section 7 of the Corporate Bylaws empowers the Board of Directors (“Board” or “Directors”) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. (“RCSC” or “Corporation”) to adopt Policies (“BP” or “Policies”) not in conflict with the Restated Articles of Incorporation (“Articles”) or the Corporate Bylaws (“Bylaws”).

WHEREAS to minimize inconsistencies, misunderstandings and misinterpretations inherent in verbal instructions, rules and regulations, the Board of Directors has established Board Policies in written form. Such Policies shall be titled, numbered and indexed for easy reference and use.

WHEREAS the Restated Articles of Incorporation and the Corporate Bylaws shall take precedence over Board Policies and that the following Board Policy on Code of Conduct and RCSC Rules and Regulations shall provide instruction, direction and guidelines regarding such and shall remain in effect until such time it is amended or removed by the Board.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Corporation shall adhere to the following policies regarding Membership Document Requirements:

The Corporate Bylaws define the requirements for eligibility for Members, Membership and Member Cards in Article II. This policy will provide guidelines as to the requirements for documentation to prove such eligibility as follows:

Ownership: Copy of the Maricopa County recorded deed or escrow closing documents; and

a. if a Trust, a copy of the Trust documents showing Trustees, Co-Trustees, or Successor Trustees, the Grantors/Trustors/Settlors of the Trust and/or contingent/remainder beneficiaries in the event the Grantors/Trustors/Settlors of the Trust are deceased; or

b. if a Corporation, LLC, Partnership, LLP, or any other entity that may represent non-individual ownership other than Trusts, copies of documentation verifying its shareholders, partners or ownership interests.

If ownership is being acquired by an estate or trust, ownership will not be changed until the estate/trust documents are processed and a new deed has been recorded. Until the transfer of ownership has been completed, previously issued Member cards will be invalid.

Proof of Identity & Age: Each individual listed on the recorded deed, escrow closing documents, trust documents or shareholder or partners’ documents must provide proof of identity and age with one of the following documents:

a. valid government issued driver’s license or identification card, which includes picture and birth date; or

b. valid passport, which includes picture and birth date; or

c. any other documentation that appropriately verifies identity with both photo and birth date.

Occupancy: Each individual qualified by ownership and age, must also qualify as occupying the Sun City property as their primary Arizona residence, by providing one of the following:

a. a valid Arizona driver’s license having the same address as the Sun City property for which a Member Card is sought; or

b. a valid Arizona driver’s license having an address farther than seventy-five (75) miles from Sun City; or

c. a valid out-of-state or out-of-country driver’s license; or

d. if no valid driver’s license is available, any government issued identification with the individual’s name and address of the Sun City property for which a Member Card is sought. An additional form of identification with a photo is required when the government issued identification does not contain a photo.

Owners who misrepresent themselves as an occupant of a Sun City property (dwelling unit) may be subject to temporary or permanent suspension of all Member Cardholder privileges. This suspension automatically extends to all Owner(s) of said property, as well as any occupants of any residences owned by such Owner(s) including denial of use of any and all RCSC facilities, as determined by the Board of Directors.

Spousal Exemption: Each individual seeking a spousal exemption for the 55 year old age requirement to be a Member and receive a Member Card, may also be required to provide a marriage license, as well as all other documentation requirements listed above.

Owners who cannot meet the Membership documentation requirements shall not be issued a Member Card and shall not receive any RCSC Cardholder privileges. Payment of annual property assessments does not constitute Membership or require issuance of valid Member Cards. Valid documentation of proof of ownership, identity, age and occupancy is required. A valid Membership or Member Card shall not be issued if the payment of annual property assessments is made by mail or on-line and if the documentation requirements have not been met and are not on file in the Cardholder Services Offices.

Personal representatives may be assigned by Owners to conduct business on their behalf; however, such representatives cannot be Members or exercise any privileges of a RCSC Member Cardholder.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be posted on the RCSC website for members and shall be made available to members upon request at no cost.

Adopted and signed this 24th day of September, 2015 at a duly called Board meeting by a majority (5) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. Board of Directors.

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