RCSC Board Policy Resolution No. 8

Privilege Cardholders


WHEREAS Article IV, Section 7 of the Corporate Bylaws empowers the Board of Directors (“Board” or “Directors”) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. (“RCSC” or “Corporation”) to adopt Policies (“BP” or “Policies”) not in conflict with the Restated Articles of Incorporation (“Articles”) or the Corporate Bylaws (“Bylaws”).

WHEREAS to minimize inconsistencies, misunderstandings and misinterpretations inherent in verbal instructions, rules and regulations, the Board of Directors has established Board Policies in written form. Such Policies shall be titled, numbered and indexed for easy reference and use.

WHEREAS the Restated Articles of Incorporation and the Corporate Bylaws shall take precedence over Board Policies and that the following Board Policy on Board Meetings and Member Exchanges shall provide instruction, direction and guidelines regarding such and shall remain in effect until such time it is amended or removed by the Board.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Corporation shall adhere to the following policy regarding Privilege Cardholders:

A. This policy is intended to clarify the document(s) required from owners, non-owners, renters, tenants, lessees, and occupants (“Non-Owners”) of Sun City property (dwelling units) to obtain a Privilege Card.

  1. Government issued identification with picture (“ID”) is required for each Non-Owner requesting a Privilege Card. If the ID shows an address, other than the Sun City address of occupancy, within seventy-five (75) miles of Sun City, Arizona, then no Privilege Card will be issued.
  2. A Non-Owner must present to a RCSC Cardholder Services Agent a lease and/or Affidavit Form BP8 signed by the property Owner, verifying that the Non-Owner is an occupant of their Sun City property (dwelling unit). Only those names listed on the Affidavit Form BP8 may be eligible for a Privilege Card. Owners who misrepresent someone as an occupant of a Sun City property (dwelling unit) shall be subject to temporary or permanent suspension of all Cardholder privileges of the Owner(s) and any occupants of any residences owned by such Owner(s) including denial of use of any or all RCSC facilities, as determined by the Board of Directors.
  3. If a lease is presented to a RCSC Cardholder Services Agent, the duration of the lease must be included in the document as the Privilege Card will be dated from the date it is issued until the expiration date on the lease (maximum one year). If a lease should terminate prior to the year term allowed on an annual Privilege Card and a subsequent lease is obtained which has a successive time frame (whether or not Non-Owner is occupying the same Sun City property), the Non-Owner shall be eligible to receive a new expiration date on his/her Privilege Card at no additional cost provided all documentation requirements are met, not to exceed the maximum of one year from the date of purchase of the Privilege Card.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be posted on the RCSC website for members and shall be made available to members upon request at no cost.

Adopted and signed this 27th day of October, 2016 at a duly called Board meeting by a majority (5) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. Board of Directors.

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