Assistant General Manager Report – November 2011

By: Jim Wellman

General Centers Information

  • The RCSC is currently experimenting with a new natural granular product which removes earthworms, and subsequently, the casts they leave on our lawn bowl greens. The new product is an all natural product made from Tea Seed Meal. The Tea Seed Meal is combined with kelp extract and composted poultry manure into a product called Early Bird. After just one application of this product to the Oakmont lawn bowling green, I visibly saw my team remove about 100 earthworms off the surface of the green the morning after the product was applied. Since this product is all natural it eliminates the need to use chemicals to control earthworms and allows application by any of the RCSC grounds team personnel. The Early Bird product will be tested at a lighter spread rate soon on the west lawn bowl green at Lakeview and one green at Bell Center where earthworms are becoming a nuisance.
  • Because we have many cardholders who want to use the RCSC fitness rooms, spas, pools and indoor walking track during the early morning hours, RCSC is temporarily opening the Bell Center and Fairway Center pools, spas, fitness and walking track at 5am (instead of 6am) Monday through Saturday. Bell Center and Fairway Center hours for Sundays will remain the same at 8am–8pm. (These new hours apply only to the Bell and Fairway activity areas listed above.) In addition, the Facility Attendants at all centers are being instructed not to open the doors to activity areas or lobbies until the scheduled opening time, as they have very limited time to prepare themselves, their equipment and work stations for receiving and serving cardholders.

Fairway Center and South, Quail Run Pro Shops

  • The Fairway Phase II project received a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy from Maricopa County Building and Planning Department at 5pm on Friday November 4, 2011. The facility was opened for tours and cardholder use on Tuesday November 8, 2011. The RCSC is still required to install the shade sails over the pool and spa and make some guard rail modifications prior to issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy by Maricopa County Building and Planning. I would like to also inform cardholders that the Fairway pools and spa will be closed Friday November 18, 2011 for installation of the shade sails over the spa and walking pool. The RCSC will re-open the pools and spa as soon as the installation work is completed on Friday.
  • Cardholder and guest check-in for the activity areas at Fairway, over the last seven days are as follows: Pool-630, Waking Pool-412, Fitness-1,675, Spa-485, Walking Track-706, and Look-e-Loos-155. Total activity area use for seven days is 4,063. In comparison, the OLD Fairway pool and spa (No fitness or walking track before) during the same seven-day period in 2007 saw a total cardholder check-in of 505 uses.
  • This reminds me of the movie, “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner where an Iowa corn farmer, hearing voices, interprets them as a command to build a baseball diamond in his fields; he does, and the Chicago Black Sox come. The key slogan in the movie is “If You Build It They Will come!” Looks like this applies to Fairway Center too!

Lakeview Center / Lakeview Lanes

  • Exterior painting of all Lakeview Center buildings is nearing completion. The work included painting all exterior areas of Lakeview Center, Lakeview Lanes and the Lakeview mini-golf building. Replacement of the shade canopy fabric, around the pool, is now completed. Shade canopies on the south and east side of the Lakeview Lanes building is still in progress. Contractors are Quality Painting and Arizona Bag and Shade. (Cost – $48,937)
  • The re-carpeting project in the Lakeview Lanes building is nearing completion. Carpet tile has now been installed in the bowling concourse, pool/billiards room, offices and the team room. Installation of carpet squares in the restaurant will be scheduled soon. I would like to thank all RCSC cardholders and Mojoe’s Restaurant for their patience and understanding while this work was completed. Contractors are Baker Bros Carpeting and Dave Clayton Billiards. (Cost – $44,742)

Sundial Center and Lakes East/West

  • The Lakes E/W Snack Shop will receive new flooring in the dining areas and some much needed painting and furniture. Work will commence once a date has been worked out with the snack shop and contractor. Contractors for this project are Puckett’s Flooring and the RCSC Skilled Trades Painter. (Estimated Cost – $5,600)
  • The artificial turf on the Sundial mini-golf course will be replaced in the near future. The turf has been ordered and is expected to arrive and be installed soon. Contractor is Puckett’s Flooring (Cost – $22,124)

Skilled Trades Department

  • The Skilled Trades department completed 229 work orders during the month of October 2011. (Does not include non-work order tasks.)

Grounds/Irrigation Department

  • The RCSC Grounds & Irrigation Department continues to mow, water and clean all RCSC lawn bowl greens. They were also given training on how to properly maintain the new Fairway artificial lawn bowling green. In addition, this team mowed all grass areas at the Sun Bowl property, repaired irrigation lines and cleaned the Viewpoint Lake weir and overflow basin.

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