Please do not feed the ducks

May 24, 2012

Dear Cardhodlers,

Lately and over the past golf season, we have received numerous comments concerning the feeding of various water fowl located on our golf courses. Everyone has experienced the joy that can come with interacting with wildlife; however this joy can lead to unexpected consequences. These consequences can affect the wildlife as well as those of us that choose to interact with them. The consequences can also affect your fellow residents. Some of these consequences are listed below:

Poor nutrition – Birds eating human foods will suffer from malnutrition. They will fill up on bread and crackers instead of eating the nutritious food they need. They will suffer from heart disease, liver problems and other health issues. Ducklings will not learn to forage for food and will be unable to survive without human help.

Spread of disease – Food which is not eaten by the ducks will be left to rot. Ducks will defecate in the place where they eat, further adding to the unhygienic nature of the area. People with weakened immune systems can easily be infected by disease. Rats, mice and insects will also be attracted to the food, causing more spread of disease.  Our ducks and geese often congregate around teeing areas and greens, as some golfers have chosen to bring food along with them.  This can lead to other golfers having to play through these areas.

Unnatural behavior – The natural behavior of water fowl is to spend most of their time in the water and steer clear of humans. Water fowl which are used to being fed will congregate on the shore instead, waiting for food. Sometimes, they will engage in dangerous behavior, such as crossing a busy road to get to a food source.

Overcrowding – Ducks will gather in large numbers at a location where food is readily available, becoming a nuisance to people who live nearby. Too many ducks in one area will also lead to territorial aggression.

Pollution – Rotting bread in the water will cause algae growth which will clog the water, cause pollution and eradicate fish and other wildlife that live in or near the water.

As we are sure none of us want to harm our wildlife or fellow Sun Citians we ask that everyone refrain from feeding our water fowl.  Thank you.

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