RCSC announces big plans for annual membership meeting

September 17, 2012


RCSC announces big plans for annual membership meeting

When the RCSC Board of Directors asked, “What can be done to increase the attendance at the membership meetings and board/member exchange meetings?” the investigation of what other communities around the United States are doing revealed some great ideas!  It is obvious by lack of attendance it is time for some modifications and RCSC is hopeful the upcoming changes will produce great benefit for all concerned.

Instead of having four poorly attended membership meetings each year, the RCSC Board of Directors will vote soon to change the documents to require only one annual membership meeting.  In 2013, the annual membership meeting will be a major event that no one will want to miss!  Including FREE entertainment and food, this will be an entire day of fun, exchange and information!  Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 26, 2013 because you are not going to want to miss it!  Watch for more information forthcoming about the agenda including an amazing keynote speaker!

Also due to such small attendance by members, the RCSC Board of Directors will vote to reduce the monthly board/member exchange meetings from two to one a month.  The Board wants input from the Members and wants to keep Members informed.  The Board invites Members to attend the Board/Member Exchange meeting to be generally held on the second Monday of each month at the Lakeview Recreation Center in Social Hall #3 at 9am.  This is a time when the Board and Members can exchange ideas, suggestions, information and concerns.  Members can have a dialogue with the Board as it is informal and interactive.  Members should bring to this meeting anything they want the Board to consider or change.  No decisions are made at this meeting, it is simply an exchange.  The Board also encourages Members to send comments, concerns or input via email to boardoffice@sunaz.com or via letter to 10626 W Thunderbird Blvd, Sun City AZ 85351.  The Board also asks Members to sign up on the RCSC email list at www.sunaz.com so that Members can be kept informed regularly.

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