Assistant General Manager Report – July 2013

by Jim Wellman

General Centers Projects / Information

  • Installation of the Photo Voltaic (PV-Electricity producing) systems is winding down with the last solar equipment connections made at Lakeview Center the weekend of July 18, 2013. The following systems are online and producing electrical power at the time of this report: Marinette, Oakmont, Quail Run Maintenance, Lakes Pro and WB/WC Maintenance. Solar systems at Bell, Sundial and Fairway will be online in late July or early August 2013. Lakeview Center will be the last to come online due to APS transformer and entrance equipment (SES) replacements and relocations which occurred the weekend of July 20, 2013.

Mt. View Center/Sun Bowl Ballpark & Amphitheater

  • The permit for the Mt. View pool lighting system and mini golf pole light has been approved by Maricopa County Planning and Development Department. The installation of the pool lighting is expected to commence the 1st week of August 2013. Contractor is Accel Electric. (Cost – $40,000)
  • The Mt. View Center pickleball court expansion project has been approved. The RCSC will be replacing the existing 4 courts and adding another 3 courts in 2013. All seven court surfaces will be constructed using post tension concrete. Architectural drawings are currently being finalized so they can be submitted to Maricopa County for a building permit and contractor bids. Once all bids have been received, the project will be sent to the RCSC Bid Commission for final project approval.
  • The Sun Bowl Ballfield project is essentially complete with the grass now planted, the 20’ outfield fence installed and the dugouts expanded. Contractors are Wadsworth Golf Construction Company and Western Fence. (Approximate Cost – $200,848)
  • The Sun Bowl Amphitheater project is well underway with all grass areas sprayed out for weeds, re-leveled and overseeded with bermuda. Bollard type walkway lighting and new handrails have been installed on the two outer walkways, the gravel drain in the bottom of the bowl has been replaced and a new driveway behind the Amphitheater building for food trucks has been constructed. Contractor is Wadsworth Golf Construction, Accel Electric and Ironwood Gates and Welding. (Cost – $245,883)
  • Four new pool heaters were installed on the Mt. View pool replacing the large Raypak pool heater that continually required repairs and maintenance. Contractor was Aquatic Builders. (Cost – $21,450)

South Golf Maintenance

  • The replacement 6,000 s.f. South Golf Maintenance building is nearing completion with essentially the fire system and new electrical service yet to be completed. The new metal building will be more fire retardant, offer improved mechanic and maintenance areas and increase security for overnight storage of valuable golf equipment. Contractors to date include Bunger Steel, Inc, Jokake Construction and CCBG Architectural. (Budgeted Cost – $600,000) (After insurance)

Oakmont Center

  • Work is currently underway to remodel the Oakmont shower rooms. The work will include new flooring, wall tile, toilet partitions, vanities, lockers, light fixture change outs and water extractors for the swim suits. Contractor is Ken McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $194,808)
  • The Oakmont pool was recently drained and the fiberglass shell was repaired. Contractor was the Jixsco Company.(Cost – $2,500)

Fairway Center/Quail Run

  • Two new florescent light fixtures were installed at the Fairway dog arena. The contractor was Supercharged Electric. (Cost – $1,500)
  • A slump block wall repair was made following damages caused by a motorist who decided to veer off the roadway on Grand avenue and take out a section of the Quail Run golf course wall. (We are currently seeking reimbursement from the motorist’s insurance company.) Contractor was Ken McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $4,800)

Lakeview Center

  • The Lakeview waterfall pump and motor were replaced in early July. Cardholders and their guests are once again enjoying this wonderful amenity. (Est. Cost – $24,700)
  • The Lakeview mini golf restroom remodel is now completed and remodeling of the Lakeview lawn bowl restrooms are in their final stages of completion. Contractors include the RCSC Skilled Trades Department and Interior Logic Flooring.(Cost $33,774)
  • Permits are currently being obtained to install Ultra Violet Light Systems on the Lakeview pool and both spas. The new systems will reduce chlorine usage and further eliminate any bacteria in the pool/spa water. These systems are part of the RCSC’s Healthy Swimming program and have proved to be very effective at the Fairway and Sundial pools. Contractor is Aquatic Environmental Services. (Cost – $100,000)

Bell Center

  • The Bell Wood & Metal shop expansion project is now completed and the Certificate of Occupancy has been obtained. General Contractor was K.L.McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $540,288)
  • The complete renovation of the two Lawn Bowl Greens at Bell Center is nearing completion. At the time of this report, the footings, backboards, plinths, walkways, irrigation system, drainage system and drainage rock have been installed. The root Zone mix is being installed in the greens and sprigging of the Tiff Dwarf Bermuda grass will occur in early August. Contractors include: Ken McIntyre Construction, National Turf and Wood Bay Turf Technologies. (Cost – $484,308) 
  • Replacement of the last 4 clay tile mansard roofs, with standing seam metal roofing material, commenced July 22, 2013. The contractor for this work is Starkweather Roofing. (Cost – $28,185)
  • Permits are currently being obtained to install Ultra Violet Light Systems on both Bell pools and both Bell Spas. The new systems will reduce chlorine usage and further eliminate any bacteria in the pool/spa water. These systems are part of the RCSC’s Healthy Swimming program and have proved to be very effective at the Fairway and Sundial pools. Contractor is Aquatic Environmental Services. (Cost – $102, 178)
  • A new pool shower was installed at the Bell walking pool. The project also included re-sloping the cool decking so water from the shower would drain properly. Contractor was Aquatic Builders. (Approximate Cost – $7,000)
  • Awning fabric was replaced on the canopy structures at the South bowling entrance and on the East and West entrances to the multi-use building. Contractor was Arizona Bag and Shade. (Cost – $6,156)

Sundial Center / Riverview Pro/ Lakes Pro

  • The sign at hole #10 at Riverview Golf Course has been installed by the new sign company. Contractor was Bootz and Duke Sign Company. (Cost – $7,495)
  • The elevator at Sundial Center is currently scheduled to be upgraded. Some of the scheduled upgrades include: electrical control panel changes, new hydraulic pump, fire system upgrades, installation of sump pump and ladder in the bottom of the shaft, and dedicated mechanical equipment to maintain the elevator equipment room temperature. This project will commence during the summer of 2013 and last for approximately 4 weeks. Contractors are Otis Elevator and Custom Cooling. (Cost – $95,781)
  • Exterior preparation and painting of the Riverview pro shop and cart barn commenced July 15, 2013. Contractor is Silverado Painting. (Cost – $5,345)
  • New LED lighting was installed under the canopies at the Sundial bocce courts. The new lighting will light up the ends of courts 1-8 and also provide some lighting on the concrete sidewalks. Contractor was Accel Electric. (Cost – $7,601)
  • Preliminary work is underway for a four-week August/September shut down of the Sundial elevator. The elevator was installed in 1990 and requires some upgrades including: electrical control panel changes, new hydraulic pump, fire system upgrades, installation of a sump pump and ladder in the bottom of the shaft, and dedicated mechanical equipment to maintain the elevator equipment room temperature. Contractors are Otis Elevator and Custom Cooling. (Estimated Cost – $95,781)
  • Permits are being obtained to install Ultra Violet Light Systems on both Sundial spas. (Both pools already have UV systems) The new systems will reduce chlorine usage and further eliminate any bacteria in the pool/spa water. These systems are part of the RCSC’s Healthy Swimming program and have proved to be very effective at the Fairway and Sundial pools. Contractor is Aquatic Environmental Services. (Cost – $40,596)
  • Two electronic display signs have been approved and designed for Sundial Center. One sign will be located on the Boswell side and the other on the 103rd Avenue side. Permits are currently being obtained from Maricopa County Planning and Development Department. In addition, a variance is being sought to change the required sign set back from the property line. Contractor for this project is Bootz and Duke Sign Company. (Cost – $102,107)
  • New security fencing and gates were installed around the Willowbrook maintenance yard pump station and a Lakes West pump station. Contractor was Sav-on-Fence. (Cost – $9,936)

Marinette Center

  • The building plans for the Marinette building expansion are still being produced by the architect. As soon as the plans are completed they will be reviewed and forwarded to Maricopa County Planning and Development Department for permit and to construction companies for proposals. Once the proposals are obtained the project will be submitted to the RCSC bid commission for final approval. Site and floor plan drawings are on display for cardholders at various centers, including Marinette, Bell, Sundial, Lakeview and Fairway.

Skilled Trades Department

  • The RCSC skilled Trades department completed 102 work orders during June and the first two weeks of July 2013. This total does not include other routing work completed outside of the work order system.

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