Director of Golf – July 2013

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

June revenue fell $8,387 behind budget, with Prepaid Green Fees constituting the bulk of the revenue deficit. Daily Green Fees/Cart Fees fell $1,446 behind budget and Merchandise fell an additional $1,338 behind budget. Driving Range revenue exceeded budgeted expectations by $247.

June expenses corrected themselves, including payroll. For the month total payroll was $10,852 under budget, brining YTD payroll to $8,509 in savings. The large payroll savings was due to having three payroll periods budgeted in June, as opposed to the correct month, which was May. Total operating expenses for the month were $43,650 under budget, resulting in YTD savings of $21,422.

In July the pro shops began collecting donations for the families affected by the Yarnell Fire and the 19 firemen that lost their lives fighting the fire. The RCSC courses joined up to 100 other courses across the state in the “Fill the Boot” effort. Fire boots were placed in each shop to accept donations from members and guests that wished to do so. In addition to the “Fill the Boot” fundraiser, a Skins Game has been set for August 2nd at the North Golf Course. The entry fee for this event is $20, with half the money going towards a donation and the other half going towards prize money, applicable green fees will be paid the day of play.

Snack Shops

Snack shop revenue followed golf course revenue and missed budgeted revenue by $1,941, bringing the YTD deficit to $11,035. Snack Shops experienced the same payroll correction as the pro shops, resulting in gain to Net Operating Excess of $5,237. For the year snack shops are $5,803 ahead of their budgeted Net Operating Excess.


The bunker renovation at Willowbrook has been completed and turf grow in is well underway. On August 12th the back nine of Willowbrook will be open for play; we do not expect the front nine to be open for play prior to overseeding.

The dual aerification at Lakes West has been completed and the results are promising. We encourage anyone that has played Lakes West following the aerification to give feedback on the conditions. July growing conditions have allowed the greens to recover at a quicker pace than the greens that were aerified in May. The dual aerification at Lakes West allowed the course to forgo an aerification in May, while still maintaining proper agronomic practices. With the early success of this process, we are strongly considering incorporating this process at all courses on a yearly basis. This would allow members to continue to enjoy normal playing conditions through most of June.

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