Immediate Attention Required:

We need your help in supporting a bill that would stop a potential tax on solar customers in Arizona. HB 2407, a bill that is currently before the legislature, would ensure homes and businesses with leased solar systems are not responsible for paying property taxes on those systems. Please take a minute to contact Senate President Andy Biggs at (602) 926-4371 or, and your Senator Rick Murphy at (602) 926- 4444 or and urge them to support this crucial legislation.

According to the Department of Revenue Property Tax Division if the owner of the solar equipment is not self consuming the power its equipment generates, then the equipment will be taxed at 20% of the depreciated cost of the equipment.  Those leasing solar equipment are not the owners of the equipment.

The financial effect to the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. could be substantial, which would be passed on to every Sun City homeowner in their annual fees. Again, please reach out to Senator Biggs at (602) 926-4371 or  and your Senator Rick Murphy at (602) 926- 4444 or to urge them to support this bill.

Your immediate attention is of the utmost importance.


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