Assistant General Manager Report – September 2014

by Jim Wellman

General Centers Projects and Information

•Electronic sign construction continues and quotes for electrical and data to each sign are being reviewed. As soon as the electrical permits are approved, installation of the signs will commence starting with the Fairway location. The entire project is expected to be completed in early 2015.  Contractor is Bootz and Duke Signs. (PIF Cost – $782,103)
Mt. View Center
• A new horizontal sand filter was installed at the Mt. View pool. The new filter will replace the smaller stand alone units installed about 10 years ago. Contractor was Aquatic Builders.  (Cost – $34,070)

North Pro Shop

• The North patio and building remodel work is progressing nicely with the following yet to be completed: exterior stucco and painting, patio ceiling installation, roof tile installation, asphalt patching and replacement of the flooring in the snack shop and pro shop. Contractors are CCBG Architectural, Ken McIntyre Construction and Resource Flooring. (Cost – $167,505 plus $11,774 for new flooring)

Lakeview Center / Viewpoint Lake

• Construction of fish habitat (“pipe palaces” and “fingerling fortresses”) for Viewpoint Lake will occur October 7-9 from 7:30am until 11:30am in the East parking lot at Mt View recreation center. If you have not signed up to help out with this very important project, please call the RCSC Administration office at (623) 561-4600 and add your name and contact information to our list of volunteers. In addition, there have been delays in getting the threadfin shad (forage fish for bass, bluegill and catfish) due to a supplier inventory shortage. Once quantities are available, the shad will be delivered and introduced into Viewpoint Lake.
• A variance was approved by the Maricopa County Board of Adjustment to increase the wall height for the Duffeeland Dog Park to improve the separation of the park from adjacent homeowners. After approval of the variance, the RCSC received another comment from Maricopa County Planning and Development Department which must be addressed prior to permit approval. Once the permit for this project is approved, contractor proposals will be received and final approval will be requested from the RCSC Board commission. Construction dates have not been determined at this time.

Sundial Center

• Additional curbing is being installed at Sundial around the two electronic signs to keep automobiles and golf carts from blocking sign visibility. Contractor is Ace Asphalt.  (Cost – $ 4,268)
• A new cell tower was recently approved for installation at Sundial Center. The monopalm tower and its associated equipment area will be located behind the West social hall. The cell tower equipment enclosure will be tastefully constructed and appear as an extension of the center. While the RCSC will receive annual rent for this site there will be no construction costs to the RCSC for this project.

Bell Center

• The dehumidifier over the indoor spa at Bell center has exceeded its useful life and is being replaced with a Pool Pack dehumidifier. The dehumidifier is currently on order and will be installed in October 2014. Contractor is W.D. Manor Company. (Cost – $70,258)
• While we lost 5 days of construction work due to the recent rains, demolition and survey work have now been completed on the Bell Tennis project. In addition, wall footings are poured and most of the block has been installed for the surrounding walls. At the present time, canopy footings are being drilled and electrical / water lines are being run to the tennis courts and planter areas. The #4 hole of the mini golf course remains closed but a path was created for cardholders between hole #3 and hole #5 so the mini golf course can still be used. Cardholders playing the course are asked to take par for hole #4. The tennis project includes demolition of the current (8) tennis courts and the installation of (10) new tennis courts. The new updated complex will also include a shaded gathering area, courtside canopies with benches, water and electric to each court, tables and benches for spectators and planters in the common areas. Contractors include Lloyd Sports Engineering as architect and project manager and Sunland Sports as building contractor. (PIF Cost – $1,778,074)
• A new horizontal filter is being installed on the Bell swimming pool. The new filter will replace the smaller stand alone units installed several years ago. Contractor is Aquatic Builders. (Cost – $34,070)

Marinette Center

• The Marinette expansion and remodel project continues to progress nicely, even with a few short delays from recent storms. The exterior CMU block walls are now installed for the fitness center and rear restroom corridor and the footings have been poured for the covered Pickleball Pavilion. The new fire line to the South East parking lot is installed and recently passed inspection by Sun City Fire Department. The Marinette Center expansion and renovation project includes a 4,000 s.f. fitness center, rubberized outdoor walking track, a total of 20 Pickleball courts, an outdoor spa, a thermal solar system for pool water pre-heating, electronic water heaters for the showers, new doors and windows and exterior stucco of all remaining buildings. Contractors to date include: CCBG Architectural, Robert Porter Construction and Aquatic Builders. (PIF Cost – $4,387,373) Please note that the Marinette Auditorium and Social hall will be closed from September 29 through October 30 for construction work.)
• The Marinette clay club renovation is progressing well and expected to re-open in early October with only a few cabinets left to construct and install. Included in this renovation are new sinks with clay traps, enlargement and re-organization of kiln room, new ceiling fans, clean-up of some electrical, expansion into the former china paint room and new shelving and cabinets.

Skilled Trades Department

• The RCSC Skilled Trades department completed 128 work orders during the last half of August 2014 and the first half of September 2014. In addition, the RCSC Skilled Trades carpenters and painter have been very busy constructing cabinets for the Marinette clay club remodel.

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