Assistant General Manager Report – October 2014

by Jim Wellman 

General Centers Projects and Information

• Electronic sign construction continues to progress on schedule. All support poles for the new electronic signs have been placed at Marinette, Bell, Lakeview, Oakmont, Fairway, Mt View and the Sun Bowl. The two electronic signs at Fairway are completely installed with electrical and data wiring underway. We expect the Fairway signs to come on-line very soon. Although electrical permits have not been obtained for the other locations, Bootz and Duke Sign Company will continue to erect the electronic signs with electrical and data work being completed soon afterwards. The electrical and data installation costs increased due to underground boring work needed and is reflected in the new total below. The entire project is expected to be completed in early 2015. Contractors are Bootz and Duke Signs and Accel Electric. (PIF Cost – $850,775)

North Pro Shop

•The North patio and building remodel work is now completed. The golf course, pro shop and snack shop, including a new covered patio, opened to Cardholders on October 18, 2014. Contractors for the patio and building remodel include: CCBG Architectural, Ken McIntyre Construction, Resource Flooring and Ghaster Painting. (Cost – $167,505 plus $11,774 for new flooring)

Lakeview Center / Viewpoint Lake

• Approximately eighteen volunteers joined Eric Swanson (Lake Consultant) to construct fish habitat for Viewpoint Lake. The first habitat construction event occurred October 7 – 9 at Mt View recreation center. The volunteers amazingly completed (60) pipe palaces and deployed them into VP lake and then went on to prepare the materials to complete (80) fingerling fortresses for the next fish habitat event to be held November 10–14 at Mt. View Center. (No work on the 11th due to the holiday). If you have not signed up to help out with this very important project, please call the RCSC Administration office at (623) 561-4600 and add your name and contact information to our list of volunteers.

The threadfin shad (forage fish for bass, bluegill and catfish) are still delayed due to supplier inventory shortages. Once quantities are available, the shad will be delivered and introduced into Viewpoint Lake.

•  The Duffeeland dog park project is currently on hold while the RCSC Board of Directors discuss Cardholder suggestions, ideas and concerns brought forth at the Duffeeland Town Hall meeting held October 10 at Bell Center.

Bell Center

• The dehumidifier over the indoor spa at Bell Center has now been replaced with a Pool Pack dehumidifier. The indoor spa room at Bell is scheduled to re-open the week of October 27, 2014. Contractor is W.D. Manor Company. (Cost – $70,258)

• The block wall work and drainage pipe behind the new walls at the tennis facility are expected to be completed this week. Electrical conduit to the courts and common areas is being run and the sub-grading of the post tensioned (PT) courts is commencing soon. Some 140+ holes are being bored for fence posts within the PT courts. The #4 hole of the mini golf course remains closed. However a path was created for Cardholders between hole #3 and hole #5 so the mini golf course can still be used. Cardholders playing the course are asked to take par for hole #4. The tennis project includes demolition of the current (8) tennis courts and the installation of (10) new tennis courts. The new updated complex will also include a shaded gathering area, courtside canopies with benches, water and electric to each court, tables and benches for spectators and planters in the common areas. Contractors include Lloyd Sports Engineering as architect and project manager and Sunland Sports as building contractor. (PIF Cost – $1,778,074)

• The RCSC pool mechanic is in the process of changing out the sand inside all RCSC sand filters. The pool mechanic will try to schedule this work when a pool or spa is already shut down for other maintenance work. Currently the sand filters on the Bell walking pool and both spas are completed.

Marinette Center

• The Marinette expansion and remodel project is still in full swing with the following work completed: Stucco on existing buildings, roofing over lobby/facility attendant station, outdoor spa is plumbed and shot-creted, solar plumbing has been run to the swimming pool, the pickleball pavilion post tensioned slab is poured, fire system piping has been installed and passed inspection, and new doors/windows have been installed in the existing buildings. The Marinette Center expansion and renovation project includes a 4,000 s.f. fitness center, rubberized outdoor walking track, a total of 20 Pickleball courts, an outdoor spa, a thermal solar system for pool water pre-heating, tankless water heaters for the showers, new doors and windows and exterior stucco of all remaining buildings. Contractors to date include: CCBG Architectural, Robert Porter Construction and Aquatic Builders.
(PIF Cost – $4,387,373) (Please note that the Marinette Auditorium and Social hall will be closed through October 30 for construction work.)

• The Marinette clay club renovation is nearing completion with only a few cabinets yet to build. The Marinette utility workers cleaned, waxed and buffed the clay club floors. Kudos to the Marinette team for their exceptional work!

Skilled Trades Department

• The RCSC Skilled Trades department completed 127 work orders during the last half of September and the 1st half of October 2014. In addition, the RCSC Skilled Trades carpenters and painter continue to construct cabinets for the Marinette clay club remodel.

Centers Operations

•  Julie Tracey, the new RCSC Facility Attendant Supervisor, has started the implementation of a formal training program for all newly hired Facility Attendants. Julie is also putting the finishing touches on additional training for current Facility Attendants. This training program is expected to further improve the Facility Attendants ability to provide exceptional customer service to RCSC Cardholders.

• On October 22 and 23 ten RCSC employees attended a “Certified Pool Operators” course to either obtain or renew their Certified Pool Operators certificate. This course is the most widely recognized program by local and state authorities. By completing this course, RCSC employees obtain knowledge in topics necessary for pool management, operation, pool care & maintenance and risk reduction. This training is part of the RCSC “Healthy Swimming Program.”

•  Bell Center recently hosted the North American Challenge at the newly renovated lawn bowl greens. The event had participants from all over Canada and the United States. We would like to thank the organizers for all their hard work which made this event a resounding success. We also appreciate the nice comments received by the Bell Utility staff from the event organizers. The utility workers felt much appreciated and were happy to be a part of this event.

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