Assistant General Manager Report – November 2014

by Jim Wellman

General Centers Projects and Information

• Electronic sign construction continues to progress on schedule. All support poles for the new electronic signs have been placed at Marinette, Bell, Lakeview, Oakmont, Mountain View and the Sun Bowl. The two electronic signs at Fairway are completely installed and currently in use. The sign company will continue to erect the electronic signs with electrical and data completed as electrical permits are approved. The entire project is expected to be completed in early 2015. Contractors are Bootz and Duke Signs and Accel Electric. (PIF Cost – $850,775)

Lakeview Center / Viewpoint Lake

• A second fish habitat construction event was held November 12–14 at Mountain View and Lakeview Centers. All pipe palaces and fingerling fortresses have been constructed and have been deployed into Viewpoint Lake. The next fish habitat project will occur early in December so if you have not signed up to help out with this very important project, please call the RCSC Administration office at (623) 561-4600 and add your name and contact information to our list of volunteers.

The threadfin shad (forage fish for bass, bluegill and catfish) are still delayed due to supplier inventory shortages. Once quantities are available, the shad will be delivered and introduced into Viewpoint Lake. Now that the lake water has cooled down we are also preparing to stock 10″ to 12″ Rainbow Trout. So be sure and watch for this announcement soon!

• The Duffeeland dog park improvement project is currently on hold while a dog club is organized. Once this club is formed and approved by the RCSC Board of Directors, the RCSC will move forward with improvements to the dog park.

Bell Center

• Final grading, rough–in of all utilities and laser leveling are now completed in preparation for forming of the post tension tennis courts. Forming work commenced this week in preparation for concrete pours scheduled for the first week in December. Court and windscreen colors have been reviewed with the tennis club and selections were made. The #4 hole of the mini golf course remains closed. However a path was created for cardholders between hole #3 and hole #5 so the mini golf course can still be used. Cardholders playing the course are asked to take par for hole #4. The tennis project includes demolition of the current eight (8) tennis courts and the installation of ten (10) new tennis courts. The new updated complex will also include a shaded gathering area, courtside canopies with benches, water and electric to each court, tables and benches for spectators and planters in the common areas. Contractors include Lloyd Sports Engineering as architect and project manager and Sunland Sports as building contractor. (PIF Cost – $1,778,074)

• As part of the RCSC healthy swimming program, the RCSC pool mechanic has changed out the sand inside the Bell pool and spa filters and the Lakeview pool filters. Sand in the Mountain View sand filters was recently changed and the filters on the Marinette pool and spa will be done prior to re-opening. The filters on the Sundial and Fairway pools and spas will also be replaced soon. All remaining locations utilize cartridge filters which are cleaned on a regular basis by RCSC Certified Pool Operators.

Sundial Center

• All shower doors in the men’s and women’s locker rooms are now replaced. The new shower doors replace worn out doors installed many years ago. Many positive comments have been received from cardholders, and of course from the Sundial staff, who had to daily clean the old shower doors.

Marinette Center

• The Marinette project is really taking shape with only seven (7) lifts of blocks left to complete the overall height of the pickleball pavilion. After inspection by a structural engineer, it was determined that the East block wall between Marinette Center and the homes on Conestoga Drive needed to be replaced. (Project cost adjustment below reflects this work & new fire line) Following demolition of the old block wall, the footing for the new block wall was poured Friday November 14. Block work on the new wall will commenced Monday, November 17 and is expected to be completed in about a week. The walking track was delayed due to this wall and will probably end up being the last work completed on the project. Lots of other work has been completed including all rough-in utility work in the fitness center (mechanical, plumbing and electrical), lobby and fitness walls insulated and sheet rock in process, window glass being installed, new pool decking poured with new drains (not cool deck topping yet), spa block wall constructed, North “open” Pickleball courts formed and graded and shade canopy posts installed. The Marinette Center expansion and renovation project includes a 4,000 s.f. fitness center, rubberized outdoor walking track, a total of 20 Pickleball courts, an outdoor spa, a thermal solar system for pool water pre-heating, tankless water heaters for the showers, new doors and windows and exterior stucco of all remaining buildings. Contractors to date include: CCBG Architectural, Robert Porter Construction and Aquatic Builders. (PIF Cost – $4,709,422)

Skilled Trades Department

• The RCSC Skilled Trades department completed 91 work orders during the last week of October and the first two weeks of November 2014. The RCSC Skilled Trades carpenters and painter continue to construct cabinets for the Marinette clay club remodel while the RCSC fitness technician and pool mechanic continue their routine preventative maintenance duties.

Centers Operations

• Ed DeBruyne recently accepted the position of North Area Supervisor (A.M.). He will supervise Marinette, Bell and Sundial Recreation Centers in addition to the utility staff at Willowbrook / Willowcreek, Riverview, and Lakes East / West pro and snack shops. Ed currently works at Lakes East / West golf course as a starter. He will start in his new position on November 24.

• It’s so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just a week away! In the spirit of the holidays we hope that cardholders are enjoying the holiday decorations going up at all the centers and golf courses. Not only will there be lights on the outside of RCSC buildings, there will also be indoor decorating done at many locations.

I hope each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

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