Assistant General Manager Report – March 2015

by Jim Wellman

General Centers Projects and Information

  • The electronic sign project is now complete. Electronic sign project contractors included: Bootz and Duke Signs, Accel Electric and the RCSC Information Technology Department. (PIF Cost – $850,775)

Viewpoint Lake / Duffeeland

  • Eric Swanson, RCSC Viewpoint Lake consultant, is currently working with volunteers to install pea gravel in the shallow water around the perimeter of Viewpoint Lake. These gravel sites will be used by fish for spawning purposes. This particular habitat process is moving very slowly due to the weight of the gravel and slow boat speeds required to maintain a safe delivery to each location on the lake. A spring fish delivery is set up for April and May 2015. Fish deliveries will include channel catfish, largemouth bass, copper-nose bluegill, red-ear sunfish and white amur; threadfin shad are not available so we will be building up bluegill population. If you would like to volunteer for the Viewpoint Lake habitat project please call the RCSC corporate office at 623-561-4600 and add your name and phone number to our volunteer list.
  • Assembly of contractor bid materials is still underway for the Duffeeland project. The bid materials will be sent to various contractors so they can bid their respective portion of the project. Currently, the target date for commencement of this project is May 2015.

Bell Center

  • The Bell tennis courts are completed except electrical transformer and breaker panel work and coating of the three South courts. Coating of these courts was to commence March 19 but due to the rains, had to be rescheduled again. As soon as the electrical work is complete, we will begin calling for Maricopa County and Sun City Fire inspections. Hole #4 on the mini golf course was reopened to cardholders this month. The tennis project includes demolition of (8) tennis courts and installation of (10) new tennis courts. The new updated complex will also include a shaded gathering area, courtside canopies, water and electric to each court, tables and benches for spectators and planters in the common areas. Contractors include Lloyd Sports Engineering as architect and project manager and Sunland Sports as building contractor. (PIF Cost – $1,778,074)

Marinette Center

  • Marinette Center re-opened on Monday March 23, 2015. This included all areas except the track, basketball and horseshoes due to application of the rubberized track coating which is estimated to take about four weeks. Contractors for this project include: CCBG Architectural, Robert Porter Construction, Regional Paving and Aquatic Builders. (PIF Cost – $4,709,422)

Sun Bowl Amphitheatre

  • Eight concrete tire blocks were removed around the restrooms building and break-away post bollards were installed. This was done to prevent tripping since the cardholder traffic around the restrooms and food area is heavy. This work was completed by the RCSC Skilled Trades Department. (Material Cost – $800)

Riverview Pro Shop Building

  • The Riverview patio project continues to move forward with grading completed, wall footings poured and block work nearing completion. During removal of a section of the old patio, it was discovered that the meeting room on the South end of the building was formerly a covered patio with columns placed on a slab, with no footings. This means that a portion of the walls must be removed in order to pour new footings, which will properly support the new roof structure. Final approval was given by Epcor Water for the new Riverview fire line connection to their water main. Project improvements include new covered patios off the East and South sides of the existing building, a fire sprinkler system, parapet wall and roofing work, ceiling replacements, new lighting, new flooring and other interior renovations. Contractors include Ken McIntyre Construction, Accel Electric and CCBG Architectural. (Cost – $524,236)

Willowcreek / Willowbrook Pro Shop Building

  • The four outside entrances leading into the pro shop and snack shop have been repaired. Contractor was Baker Brothers Carpeting. (Cost – $3,207)

Skilled Trades Department

  • The RCSC Skilled Trades department completed 120 work orders during the last two weeks of February 2015 and the first two weeks of March 2015. The RCSC skilled Trades department also assisted with preparing Marinette Center for its re-opening.

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