General Manager Report – March 2015

by Jan Ek

Financial Report:

As is customary, we have ended February 2015 well within our operating and capital budget. Despite remaining slightly under budget in golf revenue, the golf division would be under budget overall except for repair and maintenance (R&M) expenses related to an issue with the 103rd Avenue well that put the golf division over their budget in R&M by $68k at the end of February. This may be potentially remedied by insurance claims but, at this time, it reflects as operating expense. All other divisions have ended February 2015 within their respective operating budgets.

Cardholder Services:

Payments on past due assessments were lower in February compared with January. Past due assessments still decreased in February by over 3%. January billings went past due at a rate of 3.4% and December balances went 60 days past due at a rate of 2.4%. Both of these are the lowest rates ever for these balances. Past due annual property assessments are at their lowest level since January 2013. Payments from our third party collections firm have totaled $24,712 year-to-date in 2015. This is 40% of the total collected in all of 2014 and five times the amount collected for the same time period last year.

Total accounts receivable increased in February by 1.5% with the increase being mostly attributed to property transfers. In February, property transfer related balances increased 4% and lender owned related balances increased 7%. Outstanding balances related to property transfers now represent 54% of all receivables due and past due balances.

Payments made by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal in February totaled $53,754. This is again the highest monthly total for online payments with March payments tracking greater than this amount. The online payment process is fully integrated with payments made through the web portal being posted to Cardholder accounts immediately. This is a great convenience option for Cardholders and allows for payments to be made outside of our regular office hours.

Trustee sale notices on Sun City properties decreased to 47 properties at the end of February. The number of properties owned by lending institutions stayed relatively unchanged in February and is now at 42 properties.

Preservation and Improvement Fees continued the strong start for 2015 and $462,000 was collected in February, which is $114,000 over the amount budgeted. Year-to-date PIF fees are $947,000 which is $347,000 over budget for the year. Again, a reminder that we intentionally budget PIF income very conservatively to assure that we have the cash on hand for any planned project as we remain debt free.


Replacements of masking units, which are panels in front of the pinsetters, were approved for the 2015 operating capital budget. Director of Bowling Operations Randy Johnson met with the Bowling Committee on March 5, 2015 and presented the available designs for the upcoming installation. The Committee and Randy agreed that the “Southwest” design would blend with the décor at both RCSC Bowling Centers.

The cost of the masking replacements is approximately $25k and will be ordered at the end of April 2015 so that installation can begin during the summer season. Installation will be performed by the technical staff of the bowling center for a cost savings of $3,500.

Replacement of the lane underlayment (support under the synthetic lanes panels) at Bell Lanes was also approved for the 2015 operating capital budget. Bids have been requested and hopefully the project will be scheduled by the end of April for installation in late summer of 2015. The replacement of the underlayment will require closing Bell Lanes for a period of seven to ten days.

Human Resources:

As the months of renovation and construction work at Marinette Center drew to a close and opening of the center became a reality, H.R.’s priority task was to assist with staffing. RCSC’s normal practice during a closure is to find positions within the corporation for employees whose jobs are temporarily eliminated and provide the option to return upon re-opening. With appropriate planning by the supervisory staff, all employees who wanted to remain working were placed in positions at various RCSC facilities and now have the option to return to their original facility. Returning those employees to their former positions means recruiting and hiring for the positions now being vacated, as well as finding additional staff for the renovated and expanded facility. In the past two weeks we have added 18 individuals to RCSC staff.

Total number of new hires year-to-date is 34. Currently there are 369 employees on staff, both part- and full-time.

Member Services:

The month of March got off to a fantastic start with Terry Davies himself performing the Neil Sedaka Legacy. This hit-filled tribute touched on all phases of Neil’s career, with the nostalgic hits of one of the legendary singer/songwriters of our time.

On Friday, March 13, Todd Oliver and Friends entertained us with his talking dog, Irving. He had the audience’s sides splitting when he took two members of the audience and made them ventriloquists. A fun time was had by all!

On Sunday, March 15, the Sun Bowl spring series began with the Chicago Experience, featuring Kenny Cetera, brother of legendary Chicago front man Peter Cetera. What a remarkable performance! If you didn’t know better, you would have sworn you were hearing Chicago live and in person. What a treat for the 7,000 in attendance!

On Wednesday, March 18, we were back to Sundial as One of These Nights, the ultimate Eagles Tribute, performed to a sold-out audience of the lucky 1,500 in attendance. We can’t remember how many standing ovations they received; there were too many to count. Requests are already pouring in to bring them back next year!

Saturday, March 21, we wowed you with Del Webb Days as we played inflatable sport games, enjoyed food, wine, beer and Bloody Marys. We were entertained by the fabulous Mary Jo in the afternoon and danced the night away with the Affinity Band that night. What a nice way to pay our respects to the founder of this wonderful community we call home…Sun City, Arizona!

On Sunday, March 22, we welcomed Through the Years with Peter, Paul & Mary, a tribute to the historical folk sound in the grass under the stars. This Sun Bowl show had the second largest crowd in Sun City history with just shy of 8,000 people!

Then last night, Wednesday, March 25, one of the hottest Las Vegas shows hit the Sundial stage as Harmik paid tribute to the legendary Tom Jones! The Red Hat’s sat in groups and the ladies’ eyes were glued to the stage. They were swooned by the sounds, moves and music of the iconic Tom Jones.

We will close out the month on March 27 at Sundial, with the third annual Dancing with the Sun City Stars event. This year we randomly picked three female and three male RCSC cardholders to pair up with a professional Utah Ballroom Dancers and to compete for the coveted mirrored ball trophy. Not only will the night be entertaining and exciting as we see who wins, but the Utah Ballroom Dance Company will mesmerize you with the most incredible dance performances you will see this side of a TV screen. This show is free to RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests only!

The last Sun Bowl show of the month is on Sunday, March 29, at 6pm with the soulful sounds of the band Soul Solution. Look forward to an unforgettable evening of R&B, Rock, Motown, Funk, Disco, Dance, Country, Latin, Reggae and even a touch of the Blues!

Join us in April as we do it all over again. At 9am on Saturday, April 4 at the Sun Bowl, we will host our annual Easter Egg Hunt. This year there will be three separate egg hunts to accommodate the different ages. Over 3,000 eggs have been stuffed with candy and prizes. Take pictures with Mrs. Easter Bunny and Mrs. Duck; feed the animals in the petting zoo, and…go for a pony ride. There will be something fun for the whole family.

The following morning, still at the Sun Bowl, United Church of Sun City will provide the Easter Sunrise Service at 7am. There will be praise and worship along with communion. Bring your lawn chair and share Easter morning with us.

Then come back to the Sun Bowl that evening as Neon Circus, a tribute to Brooks and Dunn, will mesmerize you with their uncanny look and sound of the original artists. This show is selling out venues all over the valley.

The remainder of the shows for April will all be at Sun Bowl with the Sun City Concert Band along with the Women’s Chorus on the 8th; Time in a Bottle, a tribute to Jim Croce, Carol King, James Taylor and Dan Fogelberg on the 12th; then a true night of dancing with the 56 Rock and Roll Band on the 19th; and finally, ABBA FAB on the 26th.

Please note that the April Sun Bowl show times are at 6:30pm and all FREE shows are for RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests only.

For details about upcoming events and entertainment please refer to our newsletter the SunViews, our electronic signs, online at under the Recreation Centers and in our weekly email blast titled “Your Sun City AZ Week.” If you are not receiving the SunViews inside a free edition of the Daily News-Sun in your driveway on the last Thursday each month, please contact the newspaper for delivery, or if you prefer, you can always pick one up at any one of our centers. Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC news alert emails!

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