Assistant General Manager Report – May 2015

by Jim Wellman

Lakeview Center / Viewpoint Lake / Duffeeland

• Eric Swanson, RCSC Viewpoint Lake consultant, and all the wonderful RCSC volunteers completed the deployment of the previously constructed Bass Bungalows into VP Lake on May 14, 2015. Materials are currently being gathered so construction work on the Snow Fence Pens (Fish Condos) can commence in early June 2015. The Viewpoint Lake habitat project continues to look for volunteers who want to make a lasting difference in Sun City by constructing the much needed fish habitat. If you are one of these people, please call the RCSC corporate office at 623-561-4600 and add your name and phone number to our volunteer list.

• Requests for proposals are out for commercial sub-contractor bids for specific work at Duffeeland Dog Park, i.e. irrigation, grading, concrete, masonry, fencing, etc. As soon as we receive the necessary proposals, the bid packet will be assembled and forwarded to the RCSC bid commission for signatures. Once the bid packet is approved, dog park closure notifications will be emailed out to cardholders and flyers will be placed at Duffeeland.

• The kitchen in the Lakeview Women’s Social Club was recently remodeled. The remodel included a new counter top, sink and faucet, a new lower cabinet and storage cabinet, wall painting and new vinyl flooring. All work was done by the RCSC Skilled Trades Department except for connecting the sink faucet and drain, which was done by Sunland Plumbing.(Approximate Cost – $1,012)

• Two small sidewalks were added by the main entrance into Lakeview Center. These walks were added so cardholders parking in the gold entrance parking spaces can avoid walking through the landscaping rock. Contractor was Ken McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $1,364)

• Extensive cleaning and filter replacements were completed to the Lakeview woodshop dust collection system. In addition, the air compressor (not including the tank) which blows down the filters, also had to be replaced. Duct cleaning was done by The Top Hatter Inc. with all other work completed by the RCSC Skilled Trades Department and utility staff at Lakeview. (Cost – $5,200)

Sundial Center / Lakes East/West

• Power and data cabling is currently underway for the new Verizon cell tower at Sundial Center. The monopalm type tower will be installed on the NW corner of Sundial Center and be supported by an equipment building that looks like an extension of the existing center. The project is expected to be completed in about eight weeks.

• In mid-March 2015, evidence was discovered which led the RCSC to believe water from the women’s showers had been leaking into the walls and rusting away the metal framing structure. After preliminary inspections, this project was sent out for contractor bids based upon what the RCSC believed was the extent of the damage at that time. Unfortunately, after demolition commenced it was discovered that all the wall framing and wallboard had to be removed. Instead of reframing this area with metal studs again, it was decided that CMU block walls would be a long lasting solution for repairing this facility even though there was an increase in the initial cost. (Cost below reflects replacement of all walls with masonry construction). At the current time, demolition of all shower room walls and the installation of masonry walls throughout is completed. Floor drains are being jack-hammered out as they are rusted at the top and are not able to be water proofed. Installation of the rough-in plumbing for the shower fixtures and push button “metered” shower valves is underway. New LED can lights are also being installed into the ceiling and the air evacuation system tested, repaired and modified to move even more moisture to the outdoors from this shower facility. The biggest task remaining is the installation and grouting of the new wall and floor tile. Contractor is Robert Porter Construction. (Cost – $171,175)

• Asphalt pulverizing, paving and restriping of the Lakes E/W golf parking lot will commence on June 7, 2015. This work will be done in three phases in order to keep both golf courses and the snack shop open. The first phase will be the lot to the East (Talisman Hall area), the second phase will be areas around the pro shop and the third phase will be the West lot. Contractor for this project is Regional Paving. (Cost – $185,700)

Bell Center

• The installation of six new freestanding site directories is now completed. The new directories are located near the sidewalk at all major entrances to Bell Center. The new directories will assist cardholders and visitors to more easily locate specific areas they are interested in visiting. Contractor was Tag Team Signs. (Cost – $10,683)

• A new vent hood was added in Bell Silvercraft club room. Contractor was Custom Cooling. (Cost – $6,705)

• To eliminate a potential safety issue with the existing T-8 florescent light fixtures in the Bell Craft room, the fixtures were replaced with thirty-nine new surface mounted LED light fixtures with wrap type diffusers. Contractor was Accel Electric. (Cost – $12,972)

Mt.View Center

• The Mt. View swimming pool closed Tuesday May 26, 2015 for renovation work. This project includes replacement of the interior plaster with pebble sheen, new ladders and handrails, new rope anchors, installation of a bench in the pool, new waterline and swim lane marker tile and some decking repairs. Contractor is CDC Pools. (Cost – $102,090)

Riverview Pro Shop Building

• Construction of the underground fire line which services the Riverview pro shop building is underway. Unfortunately, the fire main line on the West side of Del Web Blvd was larger than indicated on the plans so we are waiting for some tapping sleeves. The fire line is expected to be completed by May 29, 2015. The fire system installation within the building will commence once the riser is constructed and installed. Structural steel installation for the patio roof is expected to begin approximately June 8, 2015. A new window and door were installed last week and installation of the interior mechanical ductwork will begin this week. Pro shop interior soffits have been raised to nine feet, framing for perimeter display areas installed and drywall hung. Roof crickets and upper block stucco work is almost completed. Underground electrical conduits were installed in preparation for pouring of the concrete patio slab in early June. Contractors include Ken McIntyre Construction, Accel Electric and CCBG Architectural. (Cost – $524,236)

Skilled Trades Department

• The RCSC Skilled Trades department completed 141 work orders during the last two weeks of April 2015 and the first two weeks of May 2015.

Centers Operations

• In the movie “Field of Dreams”, a voice was heard saying “if you build it, they will come.” While many voices in Sun City were heard regarding the new covered Pickleball facility at Marinette Center, the final outcome was the same. “OH DID THEY COME”

• One of the challenges the RCSC Utility staff faced at Marinette was how to clean the new covered Pickleball courts, as no one had any experience with something like this. We had to make sure that the cleaning schedule didn’t greatly impact the pickleball players. The initial estimate of the time it would take using a water broom was 6 hours. We underestimated by half, since this task takes about 12 hours to complete. In order to clean the Pickleball pavilion properly, it will be closed the entire day on the first Sunday of every month.

• We are also facing a similar challenge with the new Bell tennis courts. Due to the layout of the courts, we anticipate about four hours to water clean each of the 3 groups of courts. Fortunately, the layout of the courts is such that cleaning can be done while other courts are left available for play.

• Two new tennis ball machines were put into use at the new tennis facility at Bell. Cardholders are able to check them out whenever the tennis center is open.

• Two RCSC managers attended class this month and after passing the required test, received their Aquatics Facility Operator Certification (AFO). This will further assist the RCSC in our continued efforts to provide clean and sanitized swimming pools and spas for all cardholders and guests.

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