General Manager Report – June 2015

by Jan Ek

Financial Report:

We have ended May 2015 within our operating and capital budget. Again all divisions, excluding golf, have met their operating and expense goals. The golf division ended May 2015 just shy of a $70k negative variance from budget year to date.

Cardholder Services:

While payments on past due assessments increased in May from the prior month the overall past due assessments increased slightly in May by under 0.5%. April billings went past due at a rate of 5% and March balances went 60 days past due at a rate of just 2.1%. As of last month, we have seen the lowest April past due amount and rate for the past four years. Year to date payments from our third party collections firm are $52,489.

Total accounts receivable increased in May by 4.5% with the most significant increase in the current category rather than past due balances. In May property transfer related balances increased by 8% and lender owned related balances increased by over 27%. Outstanding balances related to property transfers continue to represent 50% of all receivables due and past due balances.

Payments made by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal decreased in May for the first time in 2015 and totaled $56,560. While the overall payment amount decreased it was still more than any month in 2014. The RCSC Web Portal upgrade has been completed and we anticipate that the increased payment flexibility by all property owners will make it easier for more cardholders to pay their assessments online.

Trustee sale notices on Sun City properties remained steady again at 46 properties at the end of May. The number of properties owned by lending institutions increased slightly in May and is now at 37 properties.

Preservation and Improvement Fees collected in May were $527,748, which is $107,748 over the amount budgeted. May PIF collected is down from the highs the prior two months. Year to date PIF fees are $2,890,848 which is $1,027,848 over budget for the year. Again a reminder that we intentionally budget PIF income very conservatively to assure that we have the cash on hand for any planned project as we remain debt free.


New bowling pins have been delivered to both bowling centers. The bowling pins that were in use at both centers had reached the end of their life. The new bowling pins were stored for four weeks in order to acclimate to our environment before installation. Installation was completed the week of June 15. The cost of the bowling pins was approximately $13k and the vendor was Brunswick Corporation.

Summer maintenance is being performed on all pinsetters at both bowling centers. Maintenance includes lubrication and rebuilding of all major components to ensure proper operation and minimal downtime during the busy fall season.

Recently the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) performed inspections on all RCSC bowling lanes, approaches, foul lights and pinspotting. There were a few minor issues at each center which will be resolved before the beginning of the fall season.

Human Resources:

With the successful completion of transferring 401(k) funds to Fidelity and ending the required blackout period, we are up and running on the new system. All individual accounts have been verified and Plan participants now have complete access to their accounts.

RCSC is dedicated to providing a safe work environment for all RCSC employees. While accidents may still happen, we believe that safety efforts and timely follow up help control the severity of the injuries and resulting expenses. Year to date there have been six reportable on-the-job injuries. Reportable means those accidents that result in medical treatment and/or lost time away from work. Those injuries include: broken left thigh bone; bruised forearm; strained lumbar spine; strained hip; strain to shoulder; strained cervical spine. There were nine injuries that required first aid treatment only. Several were caused by bee or wasp stings.

Member Services:

The Clubs Office held the club officers’ summer refresher course on Thursday, May 2 at Fairway Arizona Room #1. Thirty-five officers attended, representing 26 clubs, along with 12 Club Organization Committee members. This refresher course was informative and helpful to officers working to comply with requirements needed to keep their clubs current and up to date.

All of the 2016 concerts and events have been selected and scheduled. We will release our exciting full line-up in the upcoming Sun Views.

The Clubs Office has completed entering all of the 2016 club reservations, with the exception of seven clubs who have yet to submit their schedule requests.

On Wednesday, June 17, the approximately 850 in attendance were thoroughly entertained as they danced non-stop to the sounds of Heartbeat. Enough good things could not be said about this band, and the audience raved about them for days following the event. The concert was the first at which RCSC Cardholders used their photo cards for entry to this free event. Most of the residents were ready with their photo card in hand, and many expressed their appreciation to us for doing so.

Our next event is the 37th Annual Ring the Bell Ceremony, immediately followed by the Independence Day BBQ and Party. This year, RCSC’s Management Team selected the Sun City Fire Department as the recipient of their annual fundraising efforts. Firefighters will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance during the ceremony, and will remain with us in the Bell Social Halls for games, dancing and a hot dog lunch that is free for all RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests. You are welcome to make a donation and help us “fill the boot” for this worthy organization. Please note that this event will take place on Friday, July 3 at 9:00 am in the Bell Social Halls. There will also be free bowling, billiards, darts and shuffleboard at Bell Lanes. Don’t forget to bring your RCSC photo card for admission!

For details about upcoming events and entertainment please refer to our newsletter the SunViews, our electronic signs, online at under the Recreation Centers and in our weekly email blast titled “Your Sun City AZ Week.” If you are not receiving the SunViews inside a free edition of the Daily News-Sun in your driveway on the last Thursday each month, please contact the newspaper for delivery, or if you prefer, you can always pick one up at any one of our centers. Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC news alert emails!

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