The RCSC Board of Directors have selected the following to serve as officers for 2017:
- Rich Hoffer, President
- Jerry DeLano, Vice President
- Carol Lawry, Treasurer
- Stella VanNess, Secretary
The next meeting for the RCSC Board of Directors is the monthly Board/Member Exchange on Monday, January 9, 2017 at 9:00a.m. in Lakeview Social Hall #3.
In addition, the following Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs for 2017 were announced:
- Bowling: Ron Smith, Chair | Stella VanNess, Co-Chair
- Club Organization Committee: Carol Lawry, Chair | Stella VanNess, Co-Chair
- Elections: Ida Eisert, Chair | Jerry DeLano, Co-Chair
- Entertainment: Stella VanNess, Chair | Ron Smith, Co-Chair
- Finance & Budget: Dave Wieland, Chair | Carol Lawry, Co-Chair
- Golf Advisory: Jerry Walczak, Chair | Rich Hoffer, Co-Chair
- Insurance: Jerry DeLano, Chair | Dave Wieland, Co-Chair
- Lawn Bowling: Bruce Alleman, Chair | Ida Eisert, Co-Chair
- Outreach & Communications: Jerry Walczak, Chair | Bruce Alleman, Co-Chair
- Properties: Ida Eisert, Chair | Carol Lawry, Co-Chair
- Ad Hoc Long Range Planning: Rich Hoffer, Chair | Jerry Walczak, Co-Chair
Board Commissions:
- Bid Review & Approval: Rich Hoffer, Chair | Jerry Delano | Dave Wieland | Ida Eisert
- Investment Review & Approval: Rich Hoffer, Chair | Carol Lawry | Dave Wieland | Jerry Walczak
- Sun City Foundation: Stella VanNess | Carol Lawry
- Sun City Fire Department: Ida Eisert
- Sun City Home Owners Association: Carol Lawry | Stella VanNess
- Sun City Library: Jerry Walczak
- Sun City Posse: Ron Smith
- Sun City Community Assistance Network: Stella VanNess
- Sun Cities Museum: Dave Wieland
Additional information about upcoming meetings, agendas and committee summaries is always available on the RCSC website at