Assistant General Manager Report – March 2017

by Jim Wellman

General Information

Have you noticed that the RCSC has completed several lighting upgrades at its recreation centers clubrooms, restrooms, parking lots, activity areas and the Riverview pro shop? Some lighting installations that really stand out include the Sundial auditorium, Sundial parking lot and various club rooms such as Bell Crafts, Lakeview Sew N Sew and Sundial Palo Verde Artists just to name a few. This year, LED lighting will replace the florescent tubes under all solar carports and light up the Bell mini-golf course like never before. Several restroom remodels will also incorporate LED lighting into their 2017 renovations.

Sundial Center

  • The broken tile cap on the block walls leading into the mall area, from the east and west parking lots has been removed and new colored 16″x8″x4″ block has been installed. This repair is now complete. Contractor was Ken McIntyre Construction (cost – $10,060).
  • Construction is now underway at the eleven (11) Sundial bocce courts. Repair and maintenance work includes removing the old turf, re-leveling the courts, installing new turf and painting the block boarders around each court. Contractor is Ken McIntyre Construction (cost – $111,700).

Willowcreek / Willowbrook Pro / Maintenance

  • A new counter top with drawers was recently installed under the new aluminum bulletin boards outside the Willowcreek/Willowbrook pro shop. Contractor was the RCSC Skilled Trades cabinetmaker (cost – $160).
  • The Willowcreek/Willowbrook/Skilled Trades maintenance building is progressing very nicely. Completion is expected in April 2017 after APS completes a transformer cutover. Contractors include Doege Construction (formally DVP Professional Builders), CCBG Architectural and Bunger Steel (PIF Cost – $1,881,825).

Bell Center

  •  A new Facility Attendant “Welcome” desk with quartz top has been installed in the Fitness Lobby. Contractors were Lee’s Countertops and the RCSC Skilled Trades cabinetmaker (cost – $3,350).
  • New parking lot handicap signs and posts have been installed in the east lot. Contractor was the RCSC Skilled Trades Facility Maintenance Technician (cost – $1,800).
  • The Bell Lanes east restrooms are scheduled for renovation which includes new sheetrock, paint, tile, counter tops, toilets, urinals, partitions, flooring, lighting, exhaust fans and doors. The restrooms will close to Cardholder use and demolition will commence April 17, 2017. Contractor is Doege Development (cost – $120,026).
  • Cool decking repairs were done under warranty on the Bell pool deck. The repairs took the week of March 20th to complete and the pools and outdoor spa were re-opened on March 27, 2017.
  • The hexagonal kiosk between the library and the Visitor Center has been demolished (actually it pretty much fell down) and a new triple faced block information wall finished in rock and stucco is being erected. The wall will incorporate three LED lighted 60″ x 48″ outdoor bulletin boards. The wall is part of the Visitor Center remodel and paid for by the estate of Leta J. Lyon Murphy. Contractor is Ken McIntyre Construction.

Lakeview Center

  • New vertical window blinds and arcadia door blinds were installed in Social Halls 1-3 in early March 2017. Contractor was Budget Blinds (cost – $3,552).
  • Eight water line tiles were replaced on the Lakeview pool and caulking was applied where needed under the pools cantilever edge. Contractor was Poolman, LLC (cost – $485).

Fairway Center / Quail Run Pro Shop

  • Two conventional 100 gallon water heaters are being replaced with two new “Rinnai” tankless style water heaters coupled with two 119 gallon storage tanks. Contractor is Sunland Plumbing (cost – $21,854).
  • The Fairway walking track is scheduled for repairs and recoating the week of April 17, 2017. Contractor will be Dynamic Sports Construction (estimated cost – $35,000).
  • Bid requests have been sent out for a new Quail Run monument sign which will be set between two existing brick columns. The sign will be illuminated using LED strips within the sign cabinet. Designs for two very different signs are currently being circulated at Quail Run for golfer input.
  • Parts are currently on order to replace the two damaged brass cow tongue drains, sign post and stucco repair on the south side of the Fairway library. The damage occurred by a driver who lost control of their vehicle.

Skilled Trades Department

  • The RCSC Skilled Trades Department completed 260 work orders during the last two weeks of February 2017 and the first two weeks of March 2017.

Centers Operations

  • A purchase of eight (8) stools and two (2) tables has been made for the billiards room at the Bell Center. The cost was just under $2,500.
  • Congratulations to Leon Smeaton for his recent 10-year anniversary with the RCSC. He has been an essential part of the staff at Quail Run Golf Course all these years.
  • A new Clarke Scrubber was recently purchased for use in the Sundial locker rooms and rest rooms. The pad is square instead of round which makes it very easy to clean corners.


This board report will be the last one I give in person as Assistant General Manager. As per my request, I will be moving into my new RCSC position as Building and Infrastructure Manager on April 1, 2017. At this time, I would like to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed attending RCSC Board meetings for the last 12-1/2 years and have been amazed by the lively discussions coupled with statements of admiration and appreciation between a bazillion Board of Directors and Cardholders alike. As I take on this new pursuit I do so with respect and gratitude for all fellow Sun Citian’s who care deeply about this community and work harmoniously to keep Sun City AZ the BEST retirement community on the planet! May God bless all of you and be sure to say hi when you see me out and about at all of the wonderful RCSC facilities.


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