General Manager Report – March 2017

by Jan Ek

Financial Report:

We have operated within our operating and capital budget year to date. Each financial division has ended February 2017 in a positive variance from budget, regardless of the fact that again all of the divisions, excluding bowling, had less income than budgeted for the month.

All divisions except golf ended in a positive net operating variance from budget year-to-date. However, although golf’s revenue fell short by $103k year-to-date, net operating variance only fell short by $26k.


As fall leagues are nearing the end of their season and the bowling centers are preparing contracts for the 2017/2018 season, all leagues were notified of price increases and contract changes. League contracts are created for the purpose of guaranteeing league pricing, start times and number of lanes used. The contracts also notify leagues of all bowling and RCSC corporate policies and procedures.

Each season we provide all team captains with an information sheet for each bowler on their team. Captains are asked to verify that all contact information is correct. Beginning this season, we are encouraging bowlers to provide their email addresses so they can be notified of any information pertaining to their league including the league start, end, and meeting dates. Previously, we relied on league officers to contact bowlers, however, we feel the new system will be more efficient and reliable by putting the bowling centers in direct contact with all league bowlers.

Cardholder Services:

Payments on past due assessments continued positive in February at 11.5% of past due balances with net past due balances having the largest monthly decrease in almost a year. While total accounts receivable increased by 1.7% in February the overall past due balances decreased again in February by 11.2%. The reduction in past due balances was again offset by a larger increase in current category receivables. January assessments went 30 days past due at a 5% rate, which is back below the average for the past 12 months after a spike in January. December assessments went 60 days past due at a 3.7% rate which continues to be higher than the prior 12-month average.

Payments from our third-party collections firm were lower in February with the year to date total of $30,480 being below the 2016 year to date total by 8.5%.

Payments made by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal also continued strong in February with payments totaling $100,149 from 236 property owners.

In February, property transfer related balances increased by 1% and lender owned related balances decreased by 18%. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent approximately 55% of all receivables due and 52% of past due balances. Trustee sale notices on Sun City properties held steady at 50 properties at the end of February. The number of properties owned by lending institutions decreased again this month to 12 properties. While the number of properties owned by lenders is extremely low compared to 2016, the number of properties with trustee sale notices is up by 22% in February from last year which may result in increased lender owners later in 2017.

Human Resources:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics through the U.S. Department of Labor requires certain employers to annually participant in a survey providing information on occupational injuries and illnesses. Their purpose is to provide the Department of Labor with accurate information about the safety record of American workplaces. RCSC is a selected employer and we recently provided required information including: annual average number of employees, total hours worked by all employees and information on each work related injury/illness in 2016.

During the first quarter of 2017, RCSC has hired 18 individuals. Eighteen others have left the company for various reasons.

Last week the Director of H.R. met with a Senior Risk Control Consultant from Travelers, RCSC’s workers compensation insurance provider. The consultant reviews RCSC’s work practices regarding employee safety and provides guidance in maintaining a safe environment.

Member Services:

March is by far the busiest month for Events and Entertainment here in Sun City AZ and we did this month up right. One of These Nights, the #1 Eagles tribute band started off the month, followed by the 5th annual Dancing with the Sun City Stars, Las Vegas Bee Gee’s Gold, Sam Morrison’s tribute to Bob Seger with Turn the Page, Bobbie Brooks Wilson (son of late, great Motown legend Jackie Wilson), Rob Caudill as Rod Stewart, Las Vegas performer Cookie Watkins as Tina Turner, the Eric Clapton Experience, and we closed out the month with the Heart of Rock & Roll a Huey Lewis tribute.

As we continue to enjoy the great weather at the Sun Bowl in April, remember that all shows in April begin at 6:30 pm. This Sunday, April 2, we welcome another hit Las Vegas show as we present the Doobie Brothers Tribute band.

On Saturday, April 8 at the Sundial Auditorium we will host the second annual Sun City Senior Prom with a Masquerade Ball theme. So find a mask, dress to impress and join us at the Prom. Music will be provided by Johnny K and Kompany. This event is free for RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests; however, we are limiting the attendance to 500 people so you must get a ticket in advance at the Lakeview Clubs & Entertainment Office no later than this coming Monday, April 3.

The next night, Sunday, April 9 we will welcome to the Sun Bowl stage Mogollon, the Premier Country Rock Entertainment Group of the West!

Then on Saturday morning, April 15 at the Sun Bowl is our very popular annual Easter Egg Hunt separated by age groups. We’ll also have face painting, a petting zoo and pony rides so bring your grandchildren and celebrate with us.

On Easter Sunday we hold our annual Sunrise Service at the Sun Bowl. Presented by Pastor Brady Abel of the United Church of Sun City, the service begins promptly at 7am. Please remember to bring your own lawn chair for this special Sun City AZ tradition.

That same evening, April 16 we welcome to the Sun Bowl stage Savor, a Santana Tribute and on Sunday, April 23 the Hamptons. We close out the month on Sunday, April 30 with the ever popular Rolling Stones Tribute band Jumping Jack Flash!

Remember, all Sun Bowl shows are free for RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests. Be sure to have your RCSC Member or Privilege Card (with photo) at each of these events as key fobs are not accepted.


For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our website under the RCSC tab. Also, if you have not done so already please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC news alert emails!

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