General Manager Report – May 2017

by Jan Ek

Financial Report:

While our gross income remains less than budgeted, we have improved considerably from the quarter end, with only an $85k negative variance compared to $120k just a month ago. All divisions are within their operating budget, excluding golf, which after the first four months of 2017 has a $47k negative variance in total net operating excess. Nonetheless, the corporation overall is well within its operating and capital budget year to date.


Bell Lanes will begin the monthly summer No-Tap bowling tournaments on May 28 and following each month on the last Sunday. All bowlers are welcome whether USBC certified or not.

Every Friday at noon, Lakeview Lanes has a colored pin fun day. Cost is only $11 and bowlers can win cash for colored pin strikes, colored pin spares, etc.

The 29th Annual Sun City Open Senior Bowling Tournament was held on the last weekend of April producing $5,500 in revenue. Bowlers from all over Arizona participated in the event. The tournament scores were excellent; there were eleven 300 games bowled during the tournament.

The summer maintenance program has begun for the bowling pinsetters. The mechanics will perform various preventative maintenance tasks which include inspections, lubrication and annual maintenance.

Cardholder Services:

Payments on past due assessments continued downward in April at 8.4% of past due balances. Total accounts receivable increased by 1% in April and is up 7.6% from the beginning of the year. Even though overall receivables have increased year to date, we have seen total past due balances remain unchanged for the most part and current receivables increase 29% year to date. March assessments went 30 days past due at a 4.7% rate and February assessments went 60 days past due at a 2.9% rate.

Payments from our third-party collections firm were down in April and totaled just $3,283 with a year to date total of $48,789.

Cardholder acceptance and use of the RCSC Web Portal continues to grow. Payments made by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal totaled $107,711 from 254 property owners. Year-to-date web portal payments total $434,194 from 1,024 property owners.

In April, property transfer related balances increased by 1% and lender owned related balances decreased by 36%. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent approximately 54% of all receivables and past due balances. At the end of April, trustee sale notices on Sun City AZ properties ended at 50 with 10 properties owned by lending institutions.

Human Resources:

Twenty employees attended voluntary RCSC sponsored CPR, AED and First Aid training classes on Friday, May 12, and received their two year certification cards. RCSC will provide additional training classes in the fall of this year.

The H.R. Director attended a workshop last month regarding the AZ Earned Paid Sick Time provisions of Proposition 206 that was a ballot initiative on the November 2016 Arizona ballot and is part of The Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act (the ACT) that was approved by over 58% of voters.

The Earned Paid Sick Time provisions entitles all employees in Arizona, including: full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal and on-call, to accrue and use earned paid sick time. The new provisions must be implemented by July 1, 2017. Currently, RCSC provides sick time off with pay to full-time employees only and we are in the process of completing compliance.

The ACT also includes the new minimum wage laws that RCSC implemented January 1, 2017.

Member Services:

On Sunday, April 30 we welcomed to the Sun Bowl stage for a second time, Jumping Jack Flash the ever-popular Rolling Stones tribute band! All watched in awe as the Mick Jagger look-alike pranced through the audience and took pictures with nearly everyone. The band was called back for two encores!

The Doo Wah Riders hit the stage as our final performance of the spring series and the audience hit the dance floor. Unfortunately, when the sun went down, the night became unseasonably chilly so some were forced to leave early, but the Doo Wah Riders received a well-deserved standing ovation.

Our next performance brings us Big Iron Band, a Marty Robbins Tribute at the Sundial Auditorium on June 7 at 7pm. We also hope to see you on July 19 at the Sundial Auditorium for Jim Westover’s Elvis from Hawaii tribute. The fall Sun Bowl series starts on Sunday, September 24 with The 8 Tracks Dance Band.

Show your patriotic spirit as Sun City AZ celebrates America’s birthday on Independence Day with our traditional Ring That Bell Ceremony in the Bell Center Social Halls. The ceremony will be followed by an indoor picnic where we will be serving hot dog, chips and bottled water for lunch. The cost is $3 and proceeds benefit this year’s RCSC Management Team’s chosen charity – the Del Webb Sun Cities Museum & Historical Society. There will also be free bowling, darts, billiards and shuffleboard at Bell Lanes from 11am to 1pm along with fun games for all in the Social Halls. Red, white and blue attire is optional but encouraged.

Remember that these free events are for RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests only. Please bring your RCSC Member or Privilege card with photo, as key fobs are not accepted.

The Sundial 2018 Ticketed Show line-up will be released on our website by July. Look for it at under the Recreation tab.


For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our website under the RCSC tab. Also, if you have not done so already please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC news alert emails!

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