General Manager Report – January 2018

by Jan Ek

Financial Report

RCSC has completed 2017 within its operating and capital budget. The year ended with $683,445 of unfinished repair & maintenance projects and $58,774 of unfinished capital projects. The monies allocated to these projects will remain and be used to complete them in 2018.


The Metro Phoenix USBC Senior Championship Tournament was held on the weekend of January 6, 2018. The tournament was hosted by both RCSC bowling centers. The tournament generated $5,600 in income.

A recent bowler count shows a combined total of 2,040 bowlers for the two RCSC bowling centers for the 2017/2018 season. Bowling lineage for 2017 was down 2% from 2016 which amounts to 5,300 games, or 50 bowlers. The decrease is due partially to health of bowlers, merging of leagues and one league with thirty bowlers dissolved.

Cardholder Services

Payments on past due assessments in December 2017 bounced back strong at almost 14% of past due balances. Overall past due assessments increased by just over 1% in December and ended the year down 3.6% from the beginning of the year. November assessments went 30 days past due at a rate of 5.8% and October assessments went 60 days past due at an increased 4.8% rate.

Overall total accounts receivable increased by 1.4% in December and ended the year up 4.3% from the beginning of the year. A chart of the ending Total Accounts Receivable for the past 9 years is below.

graph 2017-12











Payments from our third-party collections firm in December were the highest of the year and totaled $32,821. The year to date total for 2017 was $172,792. Payments in 2017 ended the year 18.5% lower than the 2016 year to date total.
Payments made by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal were down again in December and totaled $77,296 from 178 property owners. 2017 ended with the highest yearly Web Portal payments and totaled $1,171,436 from 2,537 property owners.

In December, property transfer balances decreased by 2.7% and ended the year up 10% from the beginning of the year. Lender related balances increased 2.5 times while ending the year down 1.9% from the beginning of the year. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent 55% of all receivables and past due balances. At the end of December, trustee sale notices on Sun City properties ended at 49 and properties owned by lending institutions at 22.

Human Resources

Human Resources has completed employee pay changes as a result of the State’s minimum wage increase and other annual salary reviews due on January 1, 2018. Sixty-two employees received the minimum wage increase and 271 employees received their annual review for a total of 333 pay changes.

Implementation of employee benefit changes have been completed. This year employees were offered three options for medical insurance coverage, allowing them to choose a plan that best fits their needs both medically and financially.
Health assessment screenings were held in January for RCSC’s Wellness Program. Participants receive a $50 reduction in their monthly medical insurance premiums. We continue to see an increase in health awareness as a result of this program.

Member Services

We kicked off the Sundial ticketed concert series on January 10 with One of These Nights, a Sun City AZ all-time favorite. We had a great turn out on Wednesday, January 17 for our annual Discover Sun City AZ! It’s always exciting to meet new people that are making Sun City AZ their home! The following Wednesday, January 24 five-time Grammy nominee and national recording artists Ambrosia took the stage and gave an award-winning performance! Our last ticketed show for the month, Motown Magic, is Wednesday, January 31 and is sold out.

Back by popular demand, December ’63 will start the month off as our first ticketed show for the month of February on Wednesday, February 7th. This show is also sold out. Be sure to join us on Wednesday, February 14th as we bring to Sun City AZ the original Buckinghams. On Wednesday, February 21 we welcome Mirage, a Fleetwood Mac tribute show. The final Sundial ticketed concert of February is on Wednesday the 28th as The Echoes of the Platters return.

In between the ticketed shows at Sundial we have added a new event called “Lounging on the Lawn at Lakeview” in the relaxing atmosphere near the lagoon and waterfall on Saturday, February 17 at 3pm. Grammy award winning artist Micki Free will perform in full Native American Regalia with his show Native American Flute as Therapy. Although this show is free, beginning Monday, February 5 when the Lakeview Clubs & Activities Office opens you can obtain your free tickets (Cardholder plus one guest only). You must bring your RCSC Photo ID card. This will guarantee you space in the very limited prime seating area. On the day of the show, bring your lawn chair and ticket in order to enter the prime seating area. Those that do not have a ticket are welcome to sit anywhere else in the park area. After the event, you’ll want to stay for a meet and greet with this outstanding artist.

Last, but certainly not least, please plan to join us at the RCSC Annual Membership Meeting on Monday, February 26 in the Sundial Auditorium. Registration and refreshments are at 6pm; the budget presentation and membership meeting begins at 6:30pm. Your RCSC Member Card must be presented to register.

Be sure to check the SunViews for the exciting line-up of events we have planned for you in March.


For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our website under the RCSC tab. Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC News Alert Emails!



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