General Manager Report – February 2018

by Jan Ek

Financial Report

RCSC has ended January 2018 within its operating and capital budget. Thanks to the favorable weather for golfing in January, we have exceeded our income projections by $86,917. This has its down side as well as generally we receive considerable moisture in January which has a significant effect on the condition of our golf courses.


The Bowling Department has confirmed that the Arizona State Senior bowling championship will be held at Lakeview Lanes and Bell Lanes on the weekends of October 20 and October 27. The Arizona State tournament will likely produce $6-7k of unbudgeted income.

As fall leagues are nearing the end of their season, the bowling centers are preparing contracts for the 2018/2019 season. Leagues will receive a cover letter highlighting any changes in their contract, start times and pricing. There are no price increases for the 2018/2019 season.

At the beginning of the season we had requested email addresses from league bowlers to communicate changes, updates, meeting dates, start dates, upcoming events, etc. directly to each bowler. Previously, we had relied on league officers to communicate this information to each bowler. This has been very successful!

Cardholder Services

Payments on past due assessments in January were 12.75% of past due balances. Overall past due assessments offset last month’s increase with a 1% decrease in January with total accounts receivable decreasing by 7.3% in this month. Over 90 day past due assessments were at their lowest level in 6 years. December assessments went 30 days past due at an increased rate of 6.1%. November assessments went 60 days past due at a 2.7% rate. The 30 to 60 day rate for the month of November was 47% which is lower than the average rate.

Payments from our third-party collections firm in January started the year strong totaling $22,836 which is a 23% increase over 2017. Payments made by Cardholders through the online RCSC Web Portal also started the year strong in January and totaled $113,114 from 263 property owners.

In January, property transfer balances decreased by 10% and lender related balances decreased by 50% as properties turn over. Outstanding balances related to property transfers represent 53% of all receivables and past due balances. At the end of January, trustee sale notices on Sun City properties ended at 46 and properties owned by lending institutions at 20.

Preservation and Improvement Fees collected in January were $577,400 which is $269,700, or 70%, over the amount budgeted. A reminder that we intentionally budget PIF income very conservatively to assure that we have the cash on hand for any planned project as we remain debt free.

Human Resources

We have completed OSHA Form 300A “Summary of Work-Related Injuries.” The form is posted on employee bulletin boards in all work locations until April 30. Reported were 15 work related injuries in 2017 with 91 days away from work and 53 days of restricted or light duty work. It also reports our annual average number of employees to be 389.

Recently RCSC’s Loss Control Specialist from CopperPoint, our workers comp insurance carrier, met with RCSC’s management team to discuss workplace safety. He presented training materials available through the carrier and discussed his role as it relates to RCSC. CopperPoint has provided workers comp coverage to RCSC since July 1, 2017.

We are in the process of providing information for employee benefits plans to our various providers for Non Discrimination Testing (NDT) for the 2017 calendar year. We have provided information for the 401(k), the 125 Flexible Spending Account and the medical plans. The NDT is the first step in the completion process. The information is used in preparing IRS Form 5500 to submit to the IRS.

Member Services

Do not miss the RCSC Annual Membership Meeting this coming Monday, February 26, here in the Sundial Auditorium at 6pm. Your RCSC Member Card must be presented to register.

We have had some amazing entertainment in February! Starting with December ’63 and their amazing costume changes, then the original Buckinghams with hit after hit and Mirage with an ever popular Fleetwood Mac tribute. We also brought you free of charge the Grammy Award Winning Micki Free performing on wooden flutes in full Native American Regalia in the beautiful lagoon and waterfall setting at the Lakeview Center.

March is another full month of smashing entertainment! As a matter of fact, it is so extensive we have struggled with how to bring you an abbreviated version of all that is to come.

We begin the month on Friday, March 2 with Dancing with the Sun City Stars featuring dance club members partnered with the pros from Utah Ballroom Dance Company. Don’t forget your full-sized RCSC Card with photo for entry to this free event, doors open at 5:30pm.

On Saturday, March 10 we host the third annual Senior Prom themed Springtime in Paris with music by Faded Jeans. Although a free event, you must obtain a ticket at the Lakeview Clubs & Activities Office at the Lakeview Center.

Our Wednesday ticketed concerts at Sundial in March include Neon Circus the best Brooks and Dunn Tribute on the circuit, the original Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, followed on March 21 with The Doobie Brothers Experience and ending this season’s concert series is Carla Cooke, the daughter of the late, great Sam Cooke, who is a very diverse performer.

In March, we kick off the Sun Bowl spring series on Sunday, March 11 with 60’s Forever, followed by Backstage Crew voted a Phoenix favorite the following Sunday, and then Nashville Gold. Shows start at 6pm with food trucks available prior and remember to bring your full-sized RCSC card with photo.

Also in March we have a special event at the Sun Bowl – the United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus who will perform on Monday, March 12 at 6pm. Please note there will be no food service available at this event.

We end the month on March 31 with our Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Sun Bowl starting at 9am. This event includes face painting, pony rides and a petting zoo as well as Easter egg hunts for different age groups. Remember this event is for RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests only. Be prepared to show your full-sized RCSC Card to participate.


For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our website under the RCSC tab. Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC News Alert Emails!

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