Assistant General Manager Report – December 2018

by Chris Herring

Building and Infrastructure:

Bell Center

An area at the club mall entrance was closed recently for concrete repair. Concrete slabs had moved creating a tripping hazard. This area had previously been ground down, but continued movement resulted in the need to replace sections of the concrete. Contractor was KAW Construction (Cost – $4,990).

Grand Ave

The initial comments from Maricopa County on the Plan of Development (POD) submission have been received. The RCSC architect has reviewed these comments and submitted a response as of December 18, 2018. While these comments did not require burdensome changes, we do not have an estimate for the time the review of our responses will take. Completion of final civil engineering designs were pending the initial POD comments and now will be scheduled for completion.

Lakeview Center

Work continues on the renovation of the Lakeview Center Fitness Restrooms. The sheet rock has been installed and all plumbing and electrical roughed in. Sheet rock fastener installation was inspected and passed. Tape and float is 50% complete. Exhaust and HVAC ductwork is approximately 40% roughed in. Contractors are: Valley Architecture, KAW Construction, Spray Systems, 1-800 Cooling and Supercharged Electric (Cost – $219,133).

The water temperature in Viewpoint Lake decreased to the point it was the acceptable environment for trout; 800 pounds of Rainbow Trout from Idaho was recently stocked in Viewpoint Lake. RCSC Cardholders are reminded that no fishing license is required and there is a limit of 3 trout per day. Also, no fishing is allowed from the docks (shore only) or near the boat ramp.

Marinette Center

Replacement of door sensors were required on the two entry doors at Marinette Center to fix problems with the existing sensors that caused the doors to cycle incorrectly. Contractor was DH Pace (Cost – $2,894).

South Golf Course

Work continues to progress with weather cooperating. Metal stud framing is planned to begin on December 19, 2018. The finishing touches are going onto the roof structure/structural steel and high roof framing. Insulation, roof and exterior walls is to be completed by December 21, 2018. Roof curbs, other penetrations, and the foam roof is expected to begin December 24, 2018. All underground tie-ins of utilities are complete, and there will be no more road closures. The new temporary golf cart routing is working much better than the previous routing. Temporary lighting was recently added around the trailer for golfers awaiting the daily draw in the early morning.

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