Assistant General Manager Report – February 2019

by Chris Herring

Building and Infrastructure:

Flag Poles

  • The three flag poles at 107th Ave and Grand Ave are scheduled for repainting. These flag poles are showing the wear of time. RCSC also supplies the flags that fly on these poles. Contractor: Exquisite Painting (Cost – $3,840).

Grand Ave

  • Initial comments have been received from Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) regarding the permit application for the deceleration lane. These comments are with the architect and civil engineering firm for review and response. To date, no response on the site development building permit with Maricopa County have been received.

Lakeview Center

  • Final work on pending items in the Lakeview Fitness Restrooms are scheduled to be completed by March 1st. Changes to the permit approved for the project were necessary for the final inspection to be scheduled. This is expected by March 1st as well. The restrooms will be available for use upon the final inspection approval and receipt of the certificate of occupancy. Contractors are: Valley Architecture, KAW Construction, and Spray Systems (Cost – $232,495).

Riverview Golf Course

  • The chain link fence along the 5th and 6th holes at the Riverview Golf Course was damaged in storms last year. This fence ran along the property line with the SRP property to the west. The damaged fence and vegetation were removed, and 2,500 feet of chain link fence and barbed security top was installed. Cost of the project was covered by insurance proceeds. Contractor: American Fence (Cost – $54,711).

South Golf Course

  • Work is progressing very well although the inclement weather in February has brought challenges for exterior work. All concrete and curbing have been installed. Exterior building finishes have been completed. Inclement weather has prevented the installation of the asphalt surrounding the building with this anticipated to be completed by March 1st provided the base under the asphalt can accommodate it.
  • Interior flooring finishes are close to completion. Counters and countertops are currently being installed with the custom pro shop counters built by RCSC Skilled Trades scheduled for March 3rd. Installation of the Trackman Simulator began on February 25 with completion pending electrical service to the building.
  • Installation of the transformer and electrical service is scheduled to be completed the week of March 3-8. Electrical service is in the critical path of other pending items such as mechanical system startup and balancing, as well as the installation and testing of kitchen appliances.

Sun Bowl

  • Painting and repairs are being completed at the Sun Bowl amphitheater. The antiquated and damaged BBQ pits have been filled in with concrete and the side walls of the lower bowl area painted. The yellow caution areas in the lower concrete seating sections have been repainted and row numbers have been added up each walkway. Contactors: KAW Construction and Exquisite Painting (Cost – $9,070).

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