The RCSC Board of Directors election results are in. The total number of ballots cast in this year’s election totaled 1,772 (199 absentee ballots, 148 ballots cast in person at the poll on Election Day and 599 electronic ballots were cast online).
The candidates elected to serve on the RCSC Board beginning in 2020 are:
RCSC Directors are elected to serve three-year terms. The newly elected Board Members will be installed on Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 9:00 am at the Board Meeting in the Sundial Auditorium. Those elected will be seated as of January 1, 2020.
Congratulations to those elected to serve on the Board and thank you for your willingness to serve the community. Those leaving the Board are 2019 Board President Jerry DeLano and Director Stella VanNess who complete their terms of service on December 31, 2019. Darla Akins, who was seated after last year’s election for a one year commitment, filled the vacancy created by a resignation. Her election this year will be for a full 3-year term.
With only three candidate vying for three open positions, voter turn-out was extremely low compared to recent years. Each candidate was required to get a minimum of 100 votes in order to be elected.
Elected to serve on the RCSC Board of Directors effective January 1, 2020 are (left to right): Barbara Brehm, Michael Ege and Darla Akins.