Statement to Cardholders Regarding the Re-opening of RCSC Facilities

April 21, 2020

Greetings RCSC Cardholders,

We are all anxious to get our wonderful facilities back open; however, it is evident that this is going to happen one step at a time. President Trump released his three-phase plan at the end of last week. As you know, Governor Ducey issued a Stay at Home Executive Order through April 30, 2020 which may be extended with changes, extended without changes or expire in the coming days. The Governor’s Office told Arizona mayors yesterday that the state will essentially mirror President Trump’s plan to reopen in phases, but that it’s not yet ready to take the first step. State or Regional Gating Criteria (read the guidelines here) must be satisfied before proceeding to phased opening. While RCSC is analyzing the three-phase opening presented by President Trump, we are not prepared to make any sort of statement about how that might look for RCSC at this time.

We are reaching out to ask for your continued support. Based on the Governor’s executive orders involving this pandemic, RCSC remains closed until further notice, except for golf which is outlined as an essential service in the Governor’s orders. In addition to reminders about social distancing, we removed bunker rakes and ball washers, inverted the cups on the greens so the ball can be easily removed, require golfers to ride solo (except for family members), only provide pre-packed food and beverage items on a to-go basis, and all seating has been removed from patio and snack shop areas. RCSC requires golfers to disperse from the property after their game is completed and not loiter in parking lots or on RCSC property to comply with the Governor’s executive orders.

We have received an increasing number of reports that include photos and videos of people walking dogs and allowing them to run loose on RCSC golf courses. Dogs are not allowed on RCSC property at any time and must be on leash per Maricopa County ordinances. Homeowners who have renters that have dogs are strongly encouraged to contact their renters and inform them of this policy. If you are looking for green space for your dog, there is green space available along 107th Avenue, south of Grand Avenue, in the median belonging to Maricopa County. Thank you for your cooperation.

RCSC amenities are closed to protect RCSC employees and Cardholders and to abide by Arizona Department of Health Services, CDC and Governor Ducey’s Executive Orders. We appreciate your compliance with these closures despite whether you agree or not. We understand that many of you would prefer to use RCSC facilities such as the walking track located at the Sun Bowl complex versus the sidewalks, streets or meridians. It is our experience if anyone is allowed to use a facility, many others will join, and this facility cannot support all of the RCSC Cardholders who prefer such surfaces and maintain proper social distancing. We look forward to being able to reopen many of our facilities (or at least portions thereof) in Phase One of President Trump’s three-phase plan.

During this pandemic it is very important to remember that each and every one of us has a responsibility for our own health and safety. We each have the legal obligation to ensure that we comply with the CDC guidelines and the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-18, known as the “Stay Home Order.” RCSC does not have a legal obligation to ensure a Cardholder, guest or resident complies with CDC Guidelines or “Stay at Home” order. RCSC can only recommend compliance, provide ample opportunity for compliance, and abide by its own governing documents and the law. We are relying on individuals to act responsibly and comply with the law and RCSC directives. Your continued support will allow RCSC to maintain its facilities so they are safe and in good order for your enjoyment when re-opening is possible.

Thank you and stay safe!

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