RCSC Board Policy Resolution No. 12

Chartered Clubs (PDF)BP-12 Index (PDF)

Board Policy No. 12 Page 1 of 13 Chartered Clubs
November 21, 2024

WHEREAS Article V, Section 6.3 of the Corporate Bylaws empowers the Board of Directors (“Board” or “Directors”) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. (“RCSC” or “Corporation”) to adopt policies not in conflict with the Restated Articles of Incorporation (“Articles”) or the Corporate Bylaws (“Bylaws”).

WHEREAS the Articles and Bylaws must take precedence over Board Policies and the definitions in the Bylaws must apply. The following Board Policy must provide instruction, direction and guidelines regarding Chartered Clubs and must remain in effect until such time it is amended or removed.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all Chartered Clubs must be conducted in compliance with federal, state and local laws, the Corporate Documents and any and all rules and policies of the Corporation. Chartered Clubs must be governed as follows:

The Corporation has a group tax exemption for its subordinate Chartered Clubs under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. A club must not be organized for profit and must be operated exclusively to promote social welfare to be tax-exempt as a social welfare organization. The earnings of a section 501(c)(4) organization may not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. A Chartered Club must operate primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people of the community. A club does not operate primarily to promote social welfare if its primary activity is carrying on a business with the general public in a manner similar to organizations operated for profit.

A group of Cardholders interested in a particular hobby, avocation or field of interest may join together for the purpose of pursuing said interest and may request the Board to certify them as a Chartered Club. The Corporate Documents shall take precedence over any and all Chartered Club or individual club rules and policies.

The following definitions shall apply:
A. Articles: The Articles of Incorporation of the Recreation Centers of Sun City.
B. Bylaws: The Corporate Bylaws of the Recreation Centers of Sun City.
C. Cardholder: A member of the Recreation Centers of Sun City who is in good standing and has a valid Member Card.
D. Clubs Office: The Recreation Centers of Sun City Chartered Clubs Office is charged with administration of Chartered Clubs and are the focal point for club information and assistance.
E. Guest: A non-cardholder invited by a club member to participate in club use/activities and subject to the RCSC Cardholder Guide and Board Policy#12 titled Chartered Clubs.
F. Privilege Card Holder: An individual who holds a Privilege Card allowing them to join and participate in Chartered Club activities.
G. RCSC: The Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc.
H. RCSC Board: The Recreation Centers of Sun City Board of Directors
I. RCSC Board Policy: Policies approved and published by the RCSC Board
J. Rules: Club rules submitted as required by the RCSC Board and approved by the Clubs Office.
K. Visitor: A Cardholder that is not a member of the club for which use is desired.

A club, to maintain its charter, must have sufficient club membership and active participation to use effectively the RCSC Facilities set aside for it. The minimum club membership requirement for clubs with dedicated space is fifty (50) Cardholders; and for clubs without dedicated space, twenty-five (25) Cardholders are required, excluding the Model Railroad Club.

Dedicated space is that assigned to and only used by that club.

Groups seeking to become Chartered Clubs should complete the Application for Club Charter (FORM BP:12-15) and submit it to the Clubs Office.

Each club shall have its own Federal Tax Identification Number. Applications are to be filled out and filed in the Clubs Office only. Each club shall have its own official Chartered Club name. Club name changes must be reported to the Clubs Office and to the proper tax authorities.

Chartered Club membership shall be open to all Member or Privilege Cardholders in good standing. Waiting lists to join a club are not allowed unless approved by the Club Organization Committee (COC). If a Chartered Club has been organized exclusively for men, women, singles or by age group, then exceptions may apply. Clubs may require a minimum of skill for participation as defined in their club rules and policies. Each club member has one vote. Only club members can vote or hold office.

To ensure that each club member is a Member or Privilege Cardholder in good standing, clubs must submit a current club membership roster directly to the Clubs Office twice a year on or before Mar 1 and Oct 1 and upon request.

Honorary or lifetime club membership guidelines must be stated in the club rules and policies and must be awarded only to Cardholders in good standing. Honorary or lifetime club membership will be terminated automatically if a Cardholder is not in good standing.

Clubs may establish committees, as defined in club rules and policies; e.g.; Nominating, Club Rules and Policies, Auditing, Quality Control. Club committee members may be elected or appointed, as defined in the club rules and policies.

Clubs must have an election of officers each year as provided for in your club rules and policies.

The club’s Executive Board shall be elected by a vote of the general club membership. The club’s Executive Board shall be comprised of the officers and may include club committee chairpersons and club members-at-large. Club members who receive compensation (monetary or otherwise), such as club instructors, shall not hold elected club officer positions while performing these services.

The club’s Executive Board shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, property and common interests of the club and the administration of the club’s rules and policies. The club’s Executive Board is encouraged to consult with the member of the Club Organization Committee (COC) assigned to that club regularly and seek their assistance immediately whenever any club issue arises.

The club’s Executive Board shall meet at least twice a year on such dates as determined in the club’s rules and policies or as established annually by the club’s Executive Board. The club’s Executive Board meeting dates must be submitted (FORM BP:12-2) to the Club Office by April 30 for the following year.

The club officers shall be at a minimum a President and a Secretary/Treasurer. Election process of club officers, general term of office, term limitation and officer’s duties must be specified in the club’s rules and policies. club officers shall serve without compensation. Club rules and policies must define what occurs if an elected club officer and/or club Executive Board member becomes unable or unwilling to fulfill his/her duties or is absent for an extended period of time. The Clubs Office must be kept apprised of current club officers (FORM BP:12-3), including temporary replacements.

Each RCSC Chartered Club with dedicated space must track daily club member and guest attendance and provide such data to the Clubs Office on a monthly basis. Clubs without dedicated space that use monitored areas must have Club members and guests check in with the Facility Attendant. RCSC will maintain club usage data separately from non-club usage data. In addition, clubs without dedicated space that use non-monitored space, e.g., a social hall, must turn in club attendance data to the Club Office monthly.
Club member attendance data must be provided in the format established by the Clubs Office. This information must be submitted to the Clubs Office no later than ten (10) days after the close of the month. All club attendance data should be distributed to the RCSC Board on a quarterly basis by the Clubs Office no later than ten (10) days after the close of each calendar quarter (e.g. April 10, July 10, October 10, January 10).
Attendance by all club guests (non-Cardholders) for any club activity/meeting/event/ tournament/class must be recorded on guest attendance register. (FORM BP:12-4). If the club has punched a Host Punch Card or been presented with a Guest Pass, that club guest is not recorded on the guest attendance register. Monthly, the compilation of these guest attendance registers (FORM BP:12-4) shall be recorded and submitted no later than ten (10) days after the close of the month to the Clubs Office along with payment to RCSC of club guest fees equal to the daily guest fee per club guest per day.
Club guests (non-Cardholders) are not defined as those who wish to tour club facilities, accompany a club member but not participate, provide care or assistance for a handicapped club member or provide instruction to club members.

All Chartered Clubs must record and maintain the minutes of all club meetings and must retain copies of all correspondence. Minutes must be readily available to all club members as provided for in club rules and policies.
All Chartered Clubs are responsible for the timely filing of all reports and tax forms required by federal, state and local laws for 501(c)(4) organizations see FORM BP:12-19(a) for more information. Club login credentials for 990 filing must be provided to the Clubs Office.
All Club Conduct Reports must be retained in the club for five (5) years and a copy submitted to the Clubs and Activities office where they will be filed in alphabetical order by name and retained for a minimum of three (3) years.
Chartered Clubs shall issue Internal Revenue Service 1099 forms to individuals who are paid six hundred dollars ($600) or more during a calendar year. This includes, but is not limited to, sales of crafts, club instructors, card club directors, caller fees and any other such payments required to be reported to the IRS. All 1099 forms shall be filed no later than January 31 of the following year see FORM BP:12-19(a) for more information.
Clubs shall maintain and retain records for the period of time shown as follows:
a) Club correspondence and club meeting minutes – three (3) years
b) Club financial records and reports – three (3) years prior to current year
c) Club deposit records and club receipts – three (3) years
d) Club tax returns – seven (7) years
e) Major club capital equipment, copy of invoice and warranty – keep for the life of the equipment
f) Club discipline and conduct reports – five (5) years
g) Club records of supply items – three (3) years
h) Club membership roster – current and prior year only
i) Club inventory – current and prior year only
j) Charter club approval, club Federal Tax ID number – retain for life of club
k) Club records for member training of equipment – five (5) years

All clubs using tools and equipment that could cause injury to the user must provide two (2) club monitors during all club operating hours when such tools and equipment are or may be in use. All club use of RCSC facilities (assigned or otherwise) requires no less than two (2) persons on site, with at least one person assigned as a monitor while the other must be a member (and may be another monitor except as required above). Club rules and policies must contain specific directions that use of RCSC facilities by one (1) person is not allowed and provisions for opening, closing and conducting club activities when applicable. . Monitors must be easily identified by a monitor badge or other means as provided for in club rules and policies and must be trained and documented in the use of tools and equipment within the club. Monitors must ensure the use of safety equipment to include that provided by the manufacturer. Monitors must report any club member’s non-compliance in accordance with the provisions of the clubs rules and policies.

Club rules and policies must contain specific provisions for member non-compliance with safety requirements, including possible documentation via a Club Conduct Report. Duties of club monitors must be stated in the club’s rules and any injuries to a club member during their shift.
When RCSC Facilities are assigned to a club, it is the responsibility of the club to monitor the use of those facilities and follow all rules and policies regarding such.

Club membership meetings shall be held at least once a year on such date(s) as determined in the club’s rules and policies or as established annually by the club’s Executive Board. Club membership meeting dates must be submitted (FORM BP:12-2) to the Clubs Office by April 30 for the following year.

A quorum for Chartered Clubs with club membership up to 100 club members must be 20%, of 101-400 club members must be 21 or 10%, whichever is greater and above 400 club members must be 41 or 5%, whichever is greater. Quorums can be reached only in person except in the case of an act of God or pandemic situation where an electronic vote can be taken to reach a quorum. Clubs assigned designated club space must, if possible, use their assigned space for club events/business meetings. Clubs without such assigned space must make a request for RCSC Facilities, in writing, to the Clubs Office for events/business meetings. Any requests for changes must be made in writing to the Clubs Office as well. Additional club space is assigned on a first come first served basis so clubs should make requests as far in advance as possible.

Special club membership meetings may be called by any of the club’s Executive Board or by written request of ten percent (10%) of the club membership. Notice of special club meetings, with time, place and purpose, must be posted and mailed, phoned, or e-mailed to all club members at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. The Clubs Office should be notified immediately of scheduled special club membership meetings.

Any club president may request to host/sponsor a club event/tournament open to the public through the Clubs Office which will assign appropriate RCSC Facilities, as available. An open club event/tournament is any event to be attended by the general public and not just Cardholders and their invited guests.

Clubs shall pay RCSC rental fees for RCSC Facilities assigned for open club events/tournaments unless the club’s annual donation to RCSC is Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500) or greater per year or the event is sanctioned as a RCSC sponsored event. To request that RCSC sanction an event/tournament, the club must submit the request to the Clubs Office see FORMS BP:12-11(a) and BP:12-11. Club rental fees shall be equal to Cardholder Rental Fees except that the rental fees shall be for each day of the event rather than for a four hour period and only for the days that the space is open to the public. Guest attendance registers, (FORM BP:12-4) Host Punch Cards, or Guest Passes are not required if RCSC Facilities are rented by the club.

If club events/tournaments are open to club members and their invited guests only, the daily guest fee per club guest must be paid to RCSC. The completion of the guest attendance register (FORM BP:12-4) or the acceptance and punching of Host Punch Cards or presentation of a Guest Pass with picture ID is required.

If a club occupies a rented space for two or more consecutive days and no further setup is required, the rental fees must be reduced by forty percent (40%) for each day after the initial day rented or until such time a change in setup is required.

If a club donation ($12,500 or greater per year) is in lieu of rental and setup fees, such donation will not be eligible for club promotion and marketing.

Registration must be on a first-come first-served basis for all club events/tournaments, with Cardholders taking precedence over all other registrants. Neither club visitors nor club guests shall displace club members.

The sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and food (raw or cooked) is prohibited without appropriate licensing. If a club/organization sponsoring an event/tournament wishes to accept donations or charge a fee for any food or non-alcoholic beverage, they must contact the Maricopa County Environmental Health Division at least seven (7) days in advance to report the event and determine if a Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit is required. If a club/organization sponsoring an event/tournament wishes to accept donations or charge a fee for any alcoholic beverages, they must secure a Special Events License from the Arizona Department of Liquor.

A club may provide alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage and food provided that such are made available to club members and their escorted guests only and without charge.
For rules and policies regarding the use of recreation center kitchens, catering, potlucks, and bake sales refer to Board Policy No. 25 Titled Food and Beverage.

Any club president may request to provide open club classes to cardholders through the Clubs Office which will assign appropriate RCSC Facilities as available. Club instructional classes will require, at a minimum, the daily guest fee per club guest paid to RCSC. The completion of the guest attendance register (FORM BP:12-4), the acceptance and punching of Host Punch Cards or presentation of a Guest Pass with picture ID is required for all club classes.

Registration shall be on a first come first served basis, with Cardholders taking precedence over all other registrants. Neither club visitors nor club guests shall displace club members.

Clubs using independent contractors to provide club related services; i.e. dance callers, instructors, etc. shall define positions and duties in their club rules and policies. An Independent Contractor Agreement (FORM BP:12-5), must be on file with the Clubs Office a minimum of seven (7) days prior to services being rendered. A copy of the agreement must also be maintained by the club for each person rendering services. All monies paid for services must be paid and recorded by check or signed receipt. Clubs that hire independent contractors must comply with federal and state tax policies and laws.

Chartered Clubs must issue Internal Revenue Service 1099 forms to individuals who are paid six hundred dollars ($600) or more during a calendar year. This includes, but is not limited to, sales of crafts, club instructors, card club directors, caller fees and any other such payments required to be reported to the IRS. All 1099 forms (available at clubs office) must be filed no later than January 31 of the following year see FORM BP:12-19(a) for more information.

Clubs conducting instructional classes during periods other than normal club operating hours must request RCSC Facilities from the Clubs Office in writing.

There are no fees payable to RCSC by the club for club visitors. The club must pay RCSC or effect RCSC to be paid [Host Punch Card or Guest Pass] the daily guest fee per club guest per day unless
the club has an approved reciprocity agreement (FORMS BP:12-9(a) and BP:12-9) with an outside club. Clubs are responsible for the behavior of their guests and will be held responsible for any damage to RCSC Facilities. Anyone displaying inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave.

Neither club visitors nor club guests shall displace club members. Only Cardholders are eligible for club membership. Both club visitors and club guests must be required to meet minimum skill levels as defined in club rules and policies prior to participation in any club. Club rules and policies must stipulate restrictions for all club visitors and guests which must be adhered to without exception.

All club guests that have not had a Host Punch Card accepted and punched or presented a Guest Pass with picture ID must be recorded on the guest attendance register (FORM BP:12-4), refer to Section 7 – Club Guest Attendance of this policy for more information.

If an incident (sickness, loss of consciousness, etc.) or injury (slip, fall, etc.) occurs during club use of RCSC Facilities, first response is to call 911, second response is to notify RCSC personnel, preferably the Center Leader or the Center’s Custodian Foreman, and once the afflicted individual has been safely responded to, an Incident Report Form must be completed and filed by those witnessing the incident.

Club members must comply with RCSC and club rules and policies and conduct themselves in a manner so as not to jeopardize the rights and privileges of other club members. If a club member fails to comply or conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, it may be reported on a Club Member Conduct Report (FORM BP:12-14) which must follow the process as outlined in the club’s rules and policies or as determined by the club’s Executive Board if no club rules and policies have been established for such. All Club Member Conduct Reports (FORM BP:12-14) must be completed and submitted within thirty (30) days of the infraction/incident.

Any club member disciplined by the club’s Executive Board may submit a written request for an appeal to the RCSC Clubs Office within ten (10) days of disciplinary actions, which will follow the appeal hearing process in the Bylaws. Club rules and policies must contain a provision requiring that members be advised of their right to appeal.

If a Club Board Member is the accused party in a Conduct Report, the Clubs Executive Board must not address the issue. The report must be forwarded to the RCSC Club’s Office for action. If a Board Member is the accused party, further actions by the Club Board are not applicable and the COC shall ensure due process including any right to appeal.

Each Chartered Club shall adopt rules and policies, see FORM BP:12-10(a), not in conflict with the Corporate Documents. In the event a conflict should occur, the Articles, Bylaws and Policies, in that order, shall take precedence over club rules and policies. Clubs must use the mandated rules template which can be found at the Clubs Office or on the RCSC website under Clubs. Clubs must consider all provisions of the template and may indicate those provisions as “not applicable” in their rules and policies and must be approved by a majority of the club members at a duly notified and called club membership meeting with a quorum present in person. The club officers are responsible to submit their club’s rules and policies to the Clubs Office whenever additions, amendments or deletions are made along with the club membership meeting minutes approving such.

Chartered Clubs are assigned temporary (used only for a period of time by a club) or dedicated (used only by that club) space as designated by RCSC Management. RCSC Management has the authority and responsibility to direct similar clubs to merge or share dedicated space in order to provide efficient utilization of RCSC Facilities.

All clubs must be responsible for the appropriate use of RCSC Facilities. Chartered Clubs are not generally charged any fees for use or setup of RCSC Facilities provided that the use is open to Cardholders and their invited guests only and not the general public. Clubs are responsible for damage to RCSC facilities provided for club use, including damage from affixing posters and signs (e.g. paint removal, holes in walls etc.)” Items unrelated to club activities shall not be stored at RCSC Facilities.

If a scheduled club event/meeting is cancelled and the Clubs Office is not given at least two (2) business days-notice, the club may be charged for rental and/or setup fees. If a scheduled club event/meeting does not begin or resume its activity within fifteen (15) minutes of its scheduled start time, the RCSC Facility will be opened to all Cardholders and their invited guests and the club could lose its reservation.

Club activities or meetings can be preempted by RCSC. Whenever possible, adequate notification will be given to the club. RCSC will provide for relocation of the club activity whenever possible.

Clubs may be required to cancel, relocate or consolidate activities with other like clubs for all or part of the summer as an energy savings effort.

Permanent club signage, where applicable, will be approved by the Senior Leader and installed by RCSC personnel or contractors only. Signs must be attached to the outside of the building or in close proximity to the club room. Additional signs, with approval, may also be placed on a signpost or monument in close proximity to the building entrance. Permanent signs will not be allowed in parking lots, at the curb, or along-side the roadways. Temporary signage, not to exceed seven (7) days, must be requested in writing and approved by the Senior Leader in advance of placement.
Chartered Clubs may post club approved signs in their assigned space, or in other places designated for such use. Limitations on postings outside of club space are under the control of the Clubs Office. Club approved literature may be distributed anywhere at RCSC Facilities as long as such distribution does not interfere with normal use of the amenities or RCSC Facilities. All signs and literature must carry the name of the club posting or distributing it.

All tools, equipment, fixtures and furniture are property of RCSC whether it is original equipment, replacement equipment or additional equipment purchased by or donated to the club. Each year on or before February 1 RCSC must provide each club with an updated inventory reflecting last year’s inventory and any and all submitted club acquisitions and disposals throughout the past year.

Each club is responsible for verifying and submitting a completed written inventory of all equipment, furniture, and fixtures to the Clubs Office by May 15 of each year with an accumulative value of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more.

Clubs must be responsible for the appropriate use of equipment and safety gear. Clubs must provide necessary tools, equipment, safety gear, club specific furniture and supplies from its own funds as well as repair and replacement thereof. No individual or club may lend, borrow or remove equipment, furniture, fixtures or supplies that are RCSC property. Temporary removal of equipment for club projects or repair is allowed.

Clubs are required to obtain written approval from the Senior Leader (FORM BP:12-7) prior to ordering or purchasing any new equipment. Clubs leasing any equipment must have prior written approval of the Senior Leader (FORM BP:12-7). Written requests must include all pertinent information including equipment voltage, wattage, amperage, fuel type, overall size and placement location within the club room.

When items are purchased, traded, sold or destroyed they must be reported on the club acquisition/disposal form (FORM BP:12-7) and submitted to the Clubs Office.

No equipment belonging to RCSC may be sold or disposed of without prior written approval of the Senior Leader. Re-arrangement requests for furniture or equipment must be directed to the Center’s Foreman or the Center Leader.

The club must submit requests for repairs or alterations to club spaces to the Clubs Office in a manner established by the Clubs Office. The Clubs Office must acknowledge receipt of the repair and alteration request to the club in writing. Electrical, structural or functional repairs or alterations made by club members to RCSC Facilities or property belonging to a third party are strictly prohibited.

For repairs in or adjacent to clubrooms, the club must notify the Clubs Office in writing. The Clubs Office must acknowledge receipt of the Clubs request for repairs and must submit the necessary work orders for correction of the problem. A copy of the work order must be provided to the club. If such request is an emergency and is not resolved by the above steps, the club should contact the Clubs Office.

Prior written approval must be obtained from the Clubs Office for club facility changes, alterations, upgrades and improvements which may include floors, ceilings, walls, cabinets, shelving, doors, windows, electrical systems, plumbing systems, air conditioning and heating systems, or any other building or infrastructure related system or component. Clubs leasing any equipment must have prior written approval of the Clubs Office (FORM BP:12-7).

Requests for additional club space or dedicated space should be submitted in writing to the Clubs Office.

Clubs may provide budget requests to the Clubs Office for club improvements who shall review and approve requests for inclusion in RCSC’s operating and capital budget for the upcoming year.

All clubs must provide Global Harmonization Safety Data Sheets (“SDS”) and appropriate posting of all safety documents for all chemicals contained within club space and/or used by club members, visitors or guests. The RCSC Safety and Compliance Office will provide assistance to the clubs managing the SDS requirements, to include but not limited to, assisting with identifying applicable materials, providing the applicable SDS and required signage, and approved storage cabinets. The SDS sheets inform users about personal protective equipment required, possible hazards and possible adverse reactions. SDS sheets can be requested from the supplier and must be kept in a three-ring binder easily accessible to club members and RCSC personnel. Adherence to the safety provisions of the Global Harmonization program are the responsibility of the club and their instructors.

All clubs must be operated using reasonable regard for safety and well-being of its members. Members must be trained before they use equipment that is gas, electric, hydraulic, battery, or air powered. All training must be documented and retained by the club. Chemicals must be stored in an appropriate cabinet and container. Any incident reported resulting in an injury or illness must be reported to RCSC using the Incident Report Form. The form must be completed with all known details of the incident.

Adherence to safety procedures are the responsibility of the club and its Executive Board and monitors in partnership with the RCSC Safety and Compliance Office. Any RCSC safety inspections must require an appointment to be made with the club president prior to inspection. A report of any findings must be sent to the club president.

The insurance provided by RCSC covers equipment, tools, raw materials for sale to club members, and articles/items for sale if 100% of the sale goes to the club. The insurance provided by RCSC does not cover club members’ clothing, tools, supplies, work in progress or finished goods held for sale by the club on a consignment basis. Also not covered are items unrelated to club activities stored in the club room. The insurance provided by RCSC is subject to a deductible on a per loss basis. It is the sole discretion of the Board if the deductible is the responsibility of RCSC or the respective club. Chartered Clubs and their club members are additionally insured under the General Liability policy while acting in the capacity of a club officer, member of the club’s Executive Board or RCSC required on-duty monitors.

Club instructors may not advertise services being rendered in RCSC Facilities. If clubs are advertising or marketing club events not open to the general public, they must state that the event is open to Cardholders and their escorted guests only. All club advertising and marketing, including social media postings, must be approved in writing by the Clubs Office prior to publication.

Donations made by clubs to RCSC, excluding those made in lieu of rental or set up fees, may be used for the promotion and marketing of Chartered Clubs and their events and activities. Clubs may request financial assistance in promoting and marketing a club event or activity by making a request to the Clubs Office (FORM BP:12-12). Clubs should not expect to receive marketing assistance greater than their annual contribution to RCSC.

RCSC shall provide for each Chartered Club one page featuring the club within RCSC’s website www.suncityaz.org to promote and provide information about the club (FORMS BP:12-16(a) & BP:12-16). It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that the information on the website is accurate and up to date.

RCSC must provide for each Chartered Club in RCSC’s monthly Sun City Update newsletter, the club listing, notice of any and all club activities or events (FORM BP:12-18(a) and one feature article per year (FORMS BP:12-17(a) & BP:12-17(b). It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that the club listing is accurate and up to date.

Monetary contributions made by clubs to outside organizations must not exceed the total contribution made to RCSC. Contributions made by clubs to an individual, including but not limited to club members or candidates for the Board, is prohibited.

The use of RCSC Facilities by clubs is intended for the pursuit of hobbies and social welfare and must not be used for the manufacture of articles to be sold by individuals for their sole profit. A club may sell items not produced in the club provided that all proceeds from such sales benefit the club only and not any individuals or other organizations. A club may sell items outside of RCSC

Facilities produced in whole or in part within RCSC Facilities so long as the club benefits from such sales equally or greater than if the items were being sold within RCSC Facilities.

Each club’s rules and policies must define the number of articles an individual club member may sell during any calendar year, the percentage the club will receive from each sale, how complaints are handled regarding sales, and the relationship between using the club facilities, consigning items for sale and volunteering time to perform necessary club duties. Items for which club members receive orders as a direct result of club activities shall be handled as club sales.

Vendors may be authorized by clubs to sell related materials and supplies within club facilities on a limited basis. Clubs are authorized to sell supplies and raw materials at reasonable rates to club members and visitors. Clubs must remit all applicable tax annually.

Any club conducting an amusement gambling intellectual contest or event as defined in Arizona Revised Statute §13-3301 must comply with all laws regarding such.

All Chartered Club’s fiscal year must be from January 1 through December 31. All Chartered Clubs must file with the Clubs Office financial reports (FORM BP:12-8) for each calendar year on or before January 31 of the following year.

All monies collected must be reported on the club’s financial report. The annual dues for each club must be stated in its club rules and policies, along with the payment schedule of how the dues are collected; i.e., annually, semi-annually, or quarterly.

Any club member, assigned auditor, or RCSC Board of Director, will be given access to all financial records of the club upon written request within ten days of the request.

The RCSC Board, Management, Club Organization Committee or any club member may submit a request on FORM BP:12 SEC 29 to the Board Office for an audit of the club’s finances. If the audit request is approved, an audit will be scheduled with the club’s Executive Board. A report of the results of such audit must be submitted to the requestor, the club’s Executive Board and made a part of the club records.

A Chartered Club audit/financial review is the examination of the club’s financial statements to assure that these statements are free from material errors. If specific financial concerns are detailed in the request, the Auditor must examine club financial records regarding these concerns. If the auditor forms the opinion that the club has not kept proper books of account, they must notify the club’s Executive Board. If the club’s Executive Board does not take the necessary steps to correct the situation within thirty (30) days, the auditor must conclude the audit and submit their final report. If the club’s Executive Board does take the necessary steps to correct the situation, the auditor must adjust their final report accordingly. A copy of the final audit report must be filed with the Clubs Office.

Club members may vote at a duly notified and held club membership meeting to de-charter the club at any time for any reason. Any club not in compliance with federal, state and local laws may be subject to being de-chartered. Any club not adhering to the Corporate Documents may be subject to being de-chartered. A club that does not meet Chartered Club requirements may be subject to being de-chartered. Any club that has been unable to provide club officers or club monitors may be subject to being de-chartered. Any club may be subject to being combined with another like club and/or relocated, any club refusing to do so may be subject to being de-chartered.
If a club is at the risk of being de-chartered, a notice will be sent to the club in writing by the Clubs Office, with a copy sent to the RCSC Board and the Club Organization Committee (COC), stating the nature of the problem(s) and providing for assistance in rectifying the situation, if possible. A club shall be given ninety (90) days to rectify all matters excluding club membership, which shall have one year to rectify. Upon failure to rectify its issue the club shall be de-chartered by the RCSC Board.
When a club is de-chartered, equipment and supplies may be sold to other clubs, club members or outside sources with approval of the club’s Executive Board, RCSC Board and the Senior Leader. If the club cannot or does not wish to sell the equipment or supplies, it may donate them to similar Chartered Clubs with the Senior Leader approval. The club may sponsor a final closing event for its club members, after such, all assets will revert to the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc.

RCSC’s Chartered Clubs are under the group tax exemption, and most are exempt as social welfare organizations under Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) Section 501(c)(4). The Code and related policies do not prohibit a Section 501(c)(4) organization from accepting sponsorship funds. However, it is important to remember, that the Code prohibits the net earnings of a social welfare organization from inuring to the private benefit of any members. In general, the private inurement prohibition is usually concerned with payments to insiders, other than as reasonable compensation for services actually rendered. The prohibition against private inurement is intended to ensure that the organization serves the community rather than a private interest. Therefore, any funds received from sponsorships need to be used for the purpose and objectives of the Chartered Club and not for the private benefit of any individual member.
Some Chartered Clubs operate as “social clubs” which are exempt under Code Section 501(c)(7). A Section 501(c)(7) social club will maintain its exemption so long as non-member receipts (which could include sponsorship funds) and investment net income do not exceed 35% of gross receipts. Erroring on the side of conservatism, the RCSC requires Clubs to limit sponsorship funds to no more than 30% of the gross club receipts in any one year.

Photography and video may be taken at any time at the recreational and social facilities owned and operated by RCSC. Your attendance at RCSC facilities will constitute your irrevocable consent to be photographed, videotaped and recorded, your irrevocable consent to the use of your likeness by RCSC and others acting on its behalf, for the purpose of advertising and promotion in any media, throughout the world in perpetuity, including but not limited to television, and the world wide web, and your waiver of any compensation or permission for such use. Club Rules and Policies can further restrict photos and videos.

Individual clubs may have closed circuit cameras installed to monitor safety and security. Club rules and policies must include provisions for monitoring and review of such cameras should they exist (including entry into club spaces as voluntary consent to be monitored and recorded). Clubs shall post signage indicating the existence of cameras for safety and security recording. No club cameras and recordings are authorized to be viewed outside club spaces and /or remotely.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution must be posted on the RCSC website for Members and must be made available to Members upon request at no cost.
Adopted and signed this 21st day of November, 2024 at a duly called Board meeting by a majority (5) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. Board of clubs.


Tom Foster, President

Connie Jo Richtmyre, Secretary

The Original Sun City!
Copyright © 2025 Recreation Centers of Sun City. All rights reserved.