RCSC encourages Cardholders to stay informed about RCSC news and events. News Email Alerts are now part of the RCSC Web Portal.
Cardholders should login to the portal to setup and manage their email preferences to ensure that all web portal services are fully integrated. If a Cardholder elects not to use the RCSC Web Portal in spite of the benefits and advantages it offers, please complete the RCSC News Email Alert form to be signed up. This form may be sent to RCSC by mail, email or dropped off at the Lakeview Center.
Cardholders may change their email subscription selections at any time. Changes may be completed:
Removing all email subscription selections through the RCSC Web portal will stop email communications from RCSC until these selections are changed by you. Selecting the Unsubscribe link in email communications will prevent any further email subscription communications from being delivered to your email address regardless of your individual list selections.
The RCSC News Alert Emails you receive will be sent from info@rcscmail.com. Cardholders are also advised to add info@rcscmail.com into their contacts/address books to avoid emails from RCSC going directly into Spam/Junk Email folders. RCSC News Alert Emails can contain graphics or pictures so it may be necessary to allow delivery of emails with pictures to avoid RCSC emails from being identified as Spam/Junk Mail.
RCSC does not release your email address to any outside source. Your email address will only be used by RCSC to keep you informed.
The Privacy Statement linked above describes the information that RCSC collects and how this information may be used by RCSC.