Management Reports

General Manager Report – September 2014

by Jan Ek Financial Report: We have completed August 2014 well within our operating and capital budget year-to-date. Budgeting utilities has proven to be somewhat of an extra challenge in 2014, as we will have had all solar systems operating one year as of September. The solar systems have produced […]

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Assistant General Manager Report – September 2014

by Jim Wellman General Centers Projects and Information •Electronic sign construction continues and quotes for electrical and data to each sign are being reviewed. As soon as the electrical permits are approved, installation of the signs will commence starting with the Fairway location. The entire project is expected to be […]

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General Manager Report – August 2014

by Jan Ek Financial Report: Since there is no monthly Board meeting in the month of August, I will include the Treasurer’s report information in my monthly report. The balance of unrestricted funds as of July 31, 2014 was $10,945,750 which includes a $2.5M cash reserve. Restricted funds include the […]

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Assistant General Manager Report – August 2014

by Jim Wellman General Centers Projects and Information The variances required to reduce the set back (from property line) of ten electronic signs has been approved by Maricopa County Board of Adjustment. As soon as permits are approved the signs will be constructed and installed with Fairway being the 2nc […]

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General Manager Report – July 2014

by Jan Ek Financial Report: Since there is no monthly Board meeting in the month of July, I will include the Treasurer’s report information in my monthly report. The balance of unrestricted funds as of June 30, 2014 was $11,221,061 which includes a $2.5M cash reserve. Restricted funds include the […]

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Assistant General Manager Report – July 2014

by Jim Wellman General Centers Projects and Information •As part of the permit process for electronic signs, the RCSC is currently seeking to obtain set back variances so the signs can be set closer to the property line. The total project is expected to be completed in early 2015. Contractor […]

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Director of Golf Report – July 2014

 by Brian Duthu Pro Shops Total rounds increased in June slightly over prior year, with 15,530 golfers braving the summer heat. Year-to-date rounds remain well ahead of prior year and ahead of recent averages. Once again this year we will be participating in Patriot Golf Day. Patriot Golf Day was […]

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General Manager Report – June 2014

by Jan Ek Financial Report: We completed May within our operating and capital budget year-to-date. Again a reminder that our assessment income shows it is under budget year-to-date. However, it is a budget timing error that will level out over the summer. Each division has operated within its operating budget […]

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Assistant General Manager Report – June 2014

by Jim Wellman General Centers Projects and Information Plans are underway to design and install (12) electronic signs at RCSC Centers and the Sun Bowl Amphitheatre with the exception of Sundial which already has electronic signs. (Some locations will have two signs installed while others like Oakmont and the Sun Bowl will […]

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Director of Golf Report – June 2014

By Brian Duthu Pro Shops Golf rounds for May were flat compared to prior year; however Green Fee revenues increased slightly. Resident and Guest play account for 95% of the rounds played year-to-date. For the year 248,789 rounds have been played on our courses. For those that may not be […]

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