Best Friends Dog Club of Sun City celebrates our love of dogs with pet-friendly activities, training opportunities and shared friendship.
We meet in the Arizona Room at Fairway Recreation Center from October through April (people only). Social hour followed by meeting where we exchange ideas and information and often have a special guest speaker.
See Best Friends Dog Club website for meeting dates and times.
Our club offers an extensive program of dog (and people) training classes, from the most basic to advanced obedience, trick, agility, rally and more. Our classes are held under the beautiful shaded training yard at Fairway Recreation Center. We are proud of our outstanding trainers, who teach with love, patience and TREATS!
Our social activities include dog walks in parks and shaded neighborhoods, brunch with dogs and Yappy Hour (where we meet on a restaurant patio with our well-trained pooches and share dinner, drinks and laughter). We have an annual Holiday (people only) party and a seasonal picnic (Bark in the Park) with our dogs.
Registration for training classes is required. For more information please visit our BFDC website: Dogs must have proof of current rabies vaccinations.
Membership in the Club is $10.00 per person per year and the club is open to all valid RCSC Cardholders.
Class Registration: Visit or call 602-639-1370 for more information.
Please see BFDC calendar.
Membership in the Club is $10.00 per person per year and the club is open to all valid RCSC Cardholders.