The Rockhound club is one of the oldest clubs in Sun City, formed in the fall of 1963. It has always attracted Sun City residents who are rock lovers and outdoor adventurers. We are a friendly inclusive group who like to compare notes on rocks and minerals. Most of our activities take place from October through April. We have monthly meetings with interesting and knowledgeable guest speakers. On the 3rd Thursday of the month, we take guided fieldtrips out into the desert in search of unique specimens. These are for every level of collector, from surface collectors to those who like to swing a rock hammer. We also like to get together once a month for a Show and tell Luncheon. We eat, socialize, and show and talk about the specimens we have found. We also take fieldtrips to rockhound points of interest. When you join you can pick your level of participation. We look forward to meeting you! Annual dues are ten dollars. Membership open to all RCSC cardholders.
Location: Sun City Rockhound and Mineral Museum – Sundial Recreation Center
Member meetings: 6pm – 2nd Thursday of each month at Fairway Recreation Center (Arizona rooms 1&2)
Field Trips: 3rd Thursday of the month
Show and Tell: 4th Thursday of the month
Fun Trips: 5th Thursday of the month when they occur
Club Contact:, 623-428-6442
Find us on Facebook – Sun City Rockhounds.