Strategic Alternatives Committee Meeting Update – 6/23/2023

The Strategic Alternatives Committee (SAC) held its weekly meeting on Friday, June 23, 2023, at the SAC Lab (Oakmont Building B) at 2 pm. The Oakmont Recreation Center is located at 10725 W Oakmont Avenue in Sun City.

Jeff Darbut, one of the Co-Chairs, raised some thought-provoking questions in his presentation that centered on the results** of the recent survey conducted for us by Arizona State University (ASU) and found on the link on this website (Recreation Center Needs Assessment, a 350-page report.) For example:

  1. The large single-purpose theater conceived in the Mountain View Option 2 plan is too expensive for the use it is likely to receive and does not contain enough pickleball courts. How do you feel about alternatives to Option 2 at Mountain View?
  2. What do you think about exploring a smaller multi-purpose Performing Arts Center (PAC) or auditorium that would serve many groups. Size? Location? Cost?
  3. Our data has shown us that Pickleball use is increasing and requires more courts. How many more? Location? Outdoor or indoors? Cost?

Karen McAdam, another of the Co-Chairs, presented a very thorough and well researched presentation on three theaters and their communities – Stardust Theater, Sun City West; Renaissance Theater, Pebble Creek; and Community Performance and Art Center (CPAC), Green Valley, AZ.

The next two Friday meetings – June 30 and July 7 – will be held in the Sonoran Room at the Grand Center, 10415 W. Grand Ave., Sun City.  All members in good standing are welcome to attend but the room does have a limit of 60 total.

Up until now, the Co-Chairs have been providing a plethora of data (slides, handouts, utilization numbers, comparison of other community theaters, etc.), but all that will change as the Committee members will present their ideas for consideration of their fellow members and the Co-Chairs. Some have teamed up, some are working solo, some have presentations and some have a simple handout.

All guests in attendance will refrain from speaking at these two sessions (unless recognized and time permits). If YOU have an idea that YOU would like to have recognized, please contact Jean Totten at, and she will put you in touch with a committee representative.

**Completed by approximately 5,355 Members. Unfortunately, there were no specific questions regarding a Performance Arts Center on the survey.

NOTE: Press releases regarding the work of the RCSC Board of Directors Strategic Alternatives Ad Hoc Committee (SAC) are authored by the ad hoc committee and distributed/posted by RCSC media staff.

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