The RCSC Board of Directors has selected officers and committee chairs and co-chairs have been assigned for 2011.
President: Vance Coleman
Vice President: Jim Bishop
Treasurer: Gene Westemeier
Secretary: Dan Hill
Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs
Bowling: Jim Bishop, Chair | Carole Martinez, Co-Chair
Club Organization Committee: Larry Klein, Chair | Gene Westemeier, Co-Chair
Elections: Jim Bishop, Chair | Larry Klein, Co-Chair
Entertainment: Carole Martinez, Chair
Finance, Budget & Audit: Tom Loegering, Chair | Gene Westemeier, Co-Chair
Golf: Jim Bishop, Chair | Cord Angier, Co-Chair
Insurance: Cord Angier, Chair | Dan Hill, Co-Chair
Lawn Bowling: Dan Hill, Chair
Long Range Planning: Gene Westemeier, Chair | Larry Klein, Co-Chair
Member Communication: Carole Martinez, Chair | Cord Angier, Co-Chair
Properties (Centers/Golf): Cord Angier, Chair
Board Commissions
Bid Review & Approval: Vance Coleman (Chair), Jim Bishop, Gene Westemeier and Tom Loegering
Investment Review & Approval: Vance Coleman (Chair), Jim Bishop, Gene Westemeier and Tom Loegering
Sun City Foundation: Vance Coleman and Larry Klein
Sun City Fire Department: Dan Hill
Sun City Home Owners Association: Cord Angier
Sun City Library: Carole Martinez
Sun City Posse: Jim Bishop
Sun City Taxpayers Association: Larry Klein
Sun City Visitors Center: Tom Loegering