RCSC Board Policy Resolution No. 5

Initiatives, Referendums & Recall Petitions 


WHEREAS Article IV, Section 7 of the Corporate Bylaws empowers the Board of Directors (“Board” or “Directors”) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. (“RCSC” or “Corporation”) to adopt Policies (“BP” or “Policies”) not in conflict with the Restated Articles of Incorporation (“Articles”) or the Corporate Bylaws (“Bylaws”).

WHEREAS to minimize inconsistencies, misunderstandings and misinterpretations inherent in verbal instructions, rules and regulations, the Board of Directors has established Board Policies in written form. Such Policies shall be titled, numbered and indexed for easy reference and use.

WHEREAS the Restated Articles of Incorporation and the Corporate Bylaws shall take precedence over Board Policies and that the following Board Policy on Board Meetings and Member Exchanges shall provide instruction, direction and guidelines regarding such and shall remain in effect until such time it is amended or removed by the Board.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Corporation shall adhere to the following policy regarding Initiative, Referendum and Recall Petitions:

Per the Restated Articles of Incorporation, any initiative, referendum, or recall petition must have a total number of signers not less than ten percent (10%) of the voting Members of the Corporation as of the preceding July 1. All signers must have signed in person and they must provide their Sun City address, RCSC Member card number and the expiration date thereof. The completed petition will be filed with the Secretary of the Corporation.

A recall petition will set forth the name of the Director whose removal is desired and the reasons for the recall. It will be processed in accordance with the Regulation for Initiative and Recall Petitions section within this Board Policy.

A referendum petition must set forth the existing policy or regulation that is being challenged in clear and precise language that will allow the challenge to be determined by a “YES” OR “NO” vote. Any proposition will be subject to the requirements and limitations of the Restated Articles of Incorporation and the Corporate Bylaws.

Before an initiative petition is filed, the party or parties intending to circulate and file such a petition, will submit the proposal (in the exact language that the initiative will contain) to the Board of Directors. The Board will have sixty (60) days from the date of submission to accept or reject the proposal. If the proposal is accepted, the petition will be assigned a petition control number by the Secretary of the Corporation.

Regulations for Initiative and Recall Petitions

If issues can be resolved without the petition process, the Board and the Members will achieve savings in terms of dollar costs and time while avoiding disharmony and divisiveness in Sun City.


A. Consider alternatives before beginning the petition process:

 1. Bring the issue to the attention of the Board

 a. Board or Member Meetings, Board/Member Exchanges or in writing

 b. Request a private meeting with the Board

2. The Board will consider the issue and provide their consensus regarding such in writing. If the Board approves, action will be taken accordingly. If the Board disapproves, proponents may initiate the petition process.

 B. File request to circulate your petition with the Secretary of the Corporation.

 1. Submit:

 a. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the petition organizers.

 b. The organization, if any, supporting the petition.

 c. The text of the proposed petition on FORM BP:5

2. Receive from the Secretary of the Corporation:

 a. Written notice of approval or disapproval of petition as submitted.

 b. If approved official petition with control number, for use by all Circulators.

 c. If approved, petition regulations

 d. If approved, your petition starting and completion dates

C. Copy official numbered petitions.

1. Copy as many copies of the official numbered petition FORM BP:5 as needed to circulate your petition. NO OTHER PETITION FORM IS ACCEPTABLE. Number each page. Each page should have:

 a. The exact wording of the petition as approved by the Board.

 b. The control number as assigned by the Corporation.

 c. The Certification on the back of each page.

D. Select and orient Circulators to the regulations and procedures to follow in circulating petitions


A. All Circulators:

 1. Must be Members in good standing.

 2. May not use intimidation, misleading statements or payments in securing signatures.

 3. Obtain signatures of current RCSC Member Cardholders only. RCSC Privilege Cardholders are not eligible to vote or sign a petition.

 4. Must certify, as their legal obligation requires, that he/she witnessed the signatures of each individual signing.

B. Petitions will NOT be:

 1. Circulated within or on RCSC facilities or property.

C. Signers of the petition, in addition to being current Members must:

 1. Be the actual person – a wife may not sign for husband or vice versa.

 2. Legibly signed in ink. A printed “signature” is not acceptable, unless that is the usual way the person signs.

 3. Indicate date on which they signed; otherwise signature is voided.

 4. Write legible Sun City street address, RCSC Member Card number and date.

 5. Legibly print their name below their signature.

D. Signers of the petition may withdraw their signatures at any time during the validation process.


A. When petition circulation is complete:

1. File completed petitions with the Secretary of the Corporation in book form, including:

 a. A cover page specifying the quantity of individual petition forms FORM BP:5, filed, the total number of signatures claimed, and the date submitted.

 b. Number each signed petition FORM BP:5 submitted.

 c. A cover page to verify each group of petitions submitted and certified by each Circulator.

B. The Corporation will:

 1. Provide a dated receipt for submitted petition.

 2. Initiate the petition verification process.

C. The petition verification process will include, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Investigation of Circulators:

 a. Circulator must be a current RCSC Member Cardholder in good standing.

 b. Circulator must witness every signature.

 c. Circulator must sign the affidavit of Circulator on the reverse side of the last petition FORM BP:5 submitted in a group.

 d. Irregularities, including false or misleading statements by the Circulator, in obtaining, verifying and certifying signatures will result in rejection of all petitions of the Circulator.

2. Inspection of signatures for:

 a. Legibility.

 b. Printing instead of signing.

 c. Absence of dated signature, Sun City street address, and RCSC Member card number.

 d. Duplication.

D. Time required for petition verification.

Once the completed initiative or referendum petition is filed with the Corporation, the Corporation will have thirty (30) days from the filing to determine and announce whether or not the required number of signers has been obtained.

E. Upon completion of the verification process:

 1. If the number of signers is insufficient, the petition is declared invalid.

 2. If the number of verified signers is sufficient the Board will set the date to present the petition to the Members for their vote, which will be conducted by the Elections Committee within sixty (60) days of the validation announcement.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be posted on the RCSC website for members and shall be made available to members upon request at no cost.

Adopted and signed this 27th day of October, 2016 at a duly called Board meeting by a majority (5) of the Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc. Board of Directors.

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