Director of Golf Report – September 2012

by Brian Duthu

Pro Shops

Revenue for August exceeded prior year revenue by $1,740, and missed budget by $24,967. Daily green fee and cart revenue exceeded prior year by $703; merchandise sales were $1,014 behind prior year, and driving range revenue exceed prior year by $341. The positive total revenue figures for the month, compared to prior, was a welcome change to the performance in June and July.

For the year our Net Operating Excess is $55,490 ahead of budget and $60,514 ahead of prior year. Planned palm tree trimming that was not invoiced as of August will reduce this excess.

On December 7, we will be hosting a fundraising tournament to raise money for our chosen Winter Celebration Charity, the Sun City Prides. The format will be Beat the Pro(s), which will be Brian Duthu (PGA) and Chris Linam (PGA Apprentice) and will be made up of two person teams. Teams that beat the Best Ball score of the Pros will equally share the prize pool. The entry fee will be $40 and the event will be held at South with Lunch at Fairway following play. In addition to bragging rights for beating the pro, there will also be a chance at a Pebble Beach Vacation.

Golf Courses

As mentioned in a recent email blast, the opening of Lakes West following the irrigation renovation has been delayed by one week. This decision was made to provide additional time for bermuda growth. It is important to note that the project was completed on schedule. The schedule was aggressive and was made so to accommodate the various pink ribbon events occurring the beginning of October and to honor the request to not have Lakes East and Willowbrook closed at the same time. We apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause and thank you in advance for your patience. Areas that have been identified as needing sod will be provided, free of charge, by the contractor.

Overseeding of the courses will begin October 1 and preparations have already begun. Three applications of a pre-emergent for Poa Annua control have been applied as well as a growth regulator to slow bermuda. About a week prior to overseeding water will be turned off and mowing of overseeded areas will stop. Both of these steps are necessary to assist in the scalping of the areas to be overseed. Overseeded areas will receive an application of a starter fertilizer to assist in germination.

The grass being used this year was chosen from an experiment performed on hole #17 of Lakes West last year. The grass proved to be resistant to golf cart wear and tear. The seed germinated and grew very quickly and also died very quickly during transition. It is hoped that the faster germination will reduce the length of cart path restrictions following overseeding.

The steps necessary to develop a master plan for North are well underway. To date Survey Innovation Group has completed an aerial survey, Erickson Meeks Engineering has assisted in identifying areas that will need permitting with Maricopa County and Native Resources has cataloged (by GPS) 797 trees and fauna throughout the golf course. Our architect, Gary Brawley, will meet with the North Green Committee at their next regularly scheduled meeting on October 5. Feedback gathered at this meeting will be used in the development of the master plan.

Snack Shops

Snack shop revenue for August exceeded prior year by $2,656 and missed budget by $1,727. Through August, the snack shops have operated with a Net Excess of $20,520, which is $4,601 ahead of prior year.

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