Assistant General Manager Report – February 2013

by Jim Wellman 

General Centers Projects / Information

  • Installation of the Photo Voltaic (PV-Electricity producing) systems is now underway. The carport structures have been completed at both Marinette and Oakmont Centers but connection to the electrical equipment has yet to occur. In addition, carports and panel racks are going up at Lakes E/W (by Talisman hall), Fairway Recreation Center and at the Willow Brook/Creek golf maintenance facility. Commencing March 4, 2013 the Lakeview Center will begin receiving its carport structures in the West parking lot. Contractor is Wilson Electric.
  • The two Bell thermal solar projects and Oakmont thermal project are now completed and are currently going through the final inspection process with Maricopa County Environmental Services Division. (Health Department) Contractor is Priceless Plumbing. 

Mt. View Center/Sun Bowl Ballpark

  • Installation of the Mt. View pool lighting system will begin as soon as the building permit is obtained. The project includes induction type lighting around the swimming pool and two pole lights in the mini golf area. Contractor is Accel Electric. (Cost – $40,000)
  • As soon as the building permit is obtained, induction type pole lights will be installed at the Mt View pickleball courts. Contractor is ATS Electrical. (Cost – $23,422)
  • A contractor has been selected for the SunBowl Ballfield project. The project will include a new irrigation system, grading and leveling of the infield and outfield, new infield and warning track materials, some new fencing and new Mid Iron Bermuda grass. While the ballfield is being renovated, the retention / park area to the South of the field will receive a new irrigation system, re-leveling and new Mid Iron Bermuda grass. Work is expected to commence the week of April 8, 2013. Contractor is Wadsworth Golf Construction Company. (Cost – $159,385)
  • Bid requests have been sent out to contractors for irrigation, lighting and grass work to be performed on the Sun Bowl amphitheatre facility. More information will be shared about this project in future B&I reports.  

South Maintenance                          

  • The building drawings for the new South Golf Maintenance building are completed. To date, the RCSC is responding to another set of comments from Maricopa County Planning and Development Department as we secure a building permit for this project. Project plans and other construction information have been distributed to contractors but at this time, only one contractor has submitted a bid for this project. As soon as three bids are received, the project will be sent to the RCSC bid commission for final approval. Contractors to date include Bunger Steel, Inc and CCBG Architectural. 

 Lakeview Center/Duffeeland Dog Park

  • The mini golf restrooms at Lakeview are currently being remodeled. The project is about 90% completed now. Contractors for this project include: Marlin Mechanical, Interior Logic and the RCSC Skilled Trades Team. (Estimated Cost – $16,000)  
  • The West men’s and women’s restrooms at Lakeview Lanes are being remodeled. The remodel will include the addition of ADA accessible toilets for the bowling lanes building. This project is about 80% completed. Contractor is Ken McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $28,000)
  • The 25HP waterfall pump and motor have been removed and are currently being evaluated to see if they can be rebuilt or if they must be replaced. The contractor is Phoenix Pump. (Cost – TBD)
  • The RCSC grounds team is currently doing some tree pruning, irrigation and clean-up work at Duffeeland Dog Park.
  • The removal of 5 dead trees at the Lakeview hillside park is currently being scheduled. At the same time, planning is underway to plant some new trees at that location. Contractor isHarris & Sons Tree Specialists. (Cost – $4,200) 

 Bell Center

  • The Bell Wood & Metal shop expansion project continues to progress with footings and the slab floor completed. Installation of CMU block for the new exterior walls will commence soon. Contractor is K.L.McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $435,561)  
  • Exterior painting of Bell Center is progressing as planned with about 90% completed. A few areas of peeling have been discovered and the RCSC is following up on this issue with the contractor.  Contractor is Quality Painting. (Cost – $86,971)
  • Commencing sometime in March or April, both lawn bowl greens at Bell Center will be completely renovated. Work will include new backboards and plinths, new drainage systems, some concrete walkway work, new Bermuda grass and a new irrigation system including a booster pump. The project has now been sent out to contractors for construction proposals and all backboard and plinth board materials have arrived. Once the construction proposals have been received the project will be sent to the RCSC bid commission for final approval.

 Sundial Center / Riverview Pro      

  • Two replacement signs for the Riverview golf course are scheduled to be installed. One sign has been installed on the pro shop building and the other will be installed by the #10 tee box sometime in March. Unfortunately, this project has been delayed due to some health problems with the contractor. Contractor is Apollo Signs. (Cost – $13,898)
  • The elevator at Sundial Center is currently being evaluated for upgrades to the electrical control panel, hydraulic pump and fire system. Other items must also be upgraded to meet new elevator codes such as a sump pump in the bottom of the shaft and dedicated mechanical equipment to maintain the control room temperature.  
  • Two new exterior florescent light fixtures were installed on the walkway behind the West Hall.  Contractor was Supercharge Electric. (Cost – $910 )

Marinette Center / Willow Golf

  • Two Marinette building expansion project meetings were held at the Marinette auditorium on February 11th and 14th. The meetings provided the RCSC the opportunity to present a proposed Marinette expansion plan and at the same time obtain cardholder concerns and suggestions about the new project. Both meetings were well attended and great discussion took place in both meetings.  
  • Additional rear parking lot lighting was installed at the Pro / Snack shop at Willowcreek/Willowbrook. Contractor was Supercharged Electric. (Cost – $3,218)
  • The septic system leach field at one of the course restrooms is being rebuilt. Contractor is A-American. (Cost – $6,000)

Skilled Trades Department

  • The RCSC skilled Trades department completed 128 work orders during January and February 2013.  Among many other non-work order tasks, the RCSC the Skilled Trades team is doing some of the Lakeview Mini Golf restroom remodel work.    

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