Assistant General Manager Report – March 2013

by Jim Wellman

General Centers Projects / Information

• Installation of the Photo Voltaic (PV-Electricity producing) systems is well underway. All RCSC Center locations now have carport and solar panel construction either in progress or nearly completed. Marinette Center and Lakes E/W / Talisman Hall solar systems are now tied into their respective electrical service panels but the switch has not been thrown.
• The Bell thermal solar projects and Oakmont thermal project are now completed and have passed Maricopa County Environmental Services (Health) and Maricopa County Planning and Development (Building) inspections. The systems are now completed and functioning. Contractor is Priceless Plumbing. (Estimated Cost – $280,000)
• The RCSC grounds team is continuing to prune trees and spruce up Duffeeland Dog Park. This team also took on the project of trenching in a new waterline for the irrigation system inside the park and installed a battery operated irrigation control box. The updated irrigation system will now water the trees and shrubs automatically and also provide potable water for dogs and park users. Thanks Grounds Team for a job well done! (Estimated Cost – $200.)
• Budgeted fitness equipment has now been ordered. The new equipment includes a new Cybex rotation machine for Bell Center, new hammer strength back extension machines for Bell and Fairway Centers, several treadmills and some other miscellaneous equipment. Most of the new equipment is for replacement of worn out cardio units at various locations. (Cost – $64,974)

Mt. View Center/Sun Bowl Ballpark
• The Mt. View pool lighting system is now submitted for permit with Maricopa County Planning and Development and equipment has been ordered. The project includes induction type lighting around the swimming pool and two pole lights in the mini golf area. Contractor is Accel Electric. (Cost – $40,000)
• The Mt. View pickleball court lighting project has been put on hold while a cardholder requested court expansion study is conducted.
• A contractor has been selected for the Sun Bowl Ballfield project. This project will include a new irrigation system, grading and leveling of the infield and outfield, new infield and warning track materials, some new fencing and new Bermuda grass. While the ballfield is being renovated, the retention / park area to the South of the field will receive a new irrigation system, re-leveling and new Bermuda grass. Work is expected to commence the week of April 8, 2013. Contractor is Wadsworth Golf Construction Company. (Cost – $159,385)
• Bid requests have been sent out to contractors for irrigation, lighting and grass work to be performed on the Sun Bowl amphitheatre facility. Once contractor bids are received the project will go to the RCSC bid commission for final approval.

Quail Run Pro Shop
• Single pane windows around the Quail Run pro shop will be replaced soon. A light for the flagpole will also be installed at that time. Contractors for this work will be Jocoran Glass and the RCSC Skilled Trades Department. (Estimated Cost – $8,000)

South Maintenance
• The building permit for the new South Golf Maintenance building has been received and the steel building has been released for fabrication. The RCSC has received three(3) contractor bids for this project and is currently preparing a project bid packet to be submitted to the RCSC bid commission. Contractors to date include Bunger Steel, Inc and CCBG Architectural.

Lakeview Center/Duffeeland Dog Park
• The Lakeview waterfall pump and motor recently failed. The 25 HP motor will need to be completely rebuilt and the 2-stage pump totally replaced. Repairs, replacements and re-installation are expected to take about 10 weeks. Contractor is Phoenix Pumps, Inc. (Est. Cost – $23,000)
• The Lakeview mini golf restrooms project is now complete and restrooms have been reopened for cardholder use. Contractors for this project included Marlin Mechanical, Interior Logic and the RCSC Skilled Trades Team. (Cost – $20,004)
• The Lakeview Lanes East men’s and women’s restrooms project is now completed and the restrooms have been reopened for cardholder use. The remodel included the addition of ADA accessible toilets for the bowling lanes building. Contractor was Ken McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $28,000)
• The removal of 5 dead trees at the Lakeview hillside park is now complete and planning is underway to plant some new trees at that location. Contractor was Harris & Sons Tree Specialists. (Tree Removal Cost – $4,200)
• A worn out mechanical unit (HVAC) for the Lakeview women’s social hall was replaced. The contractor was Rainforest Mechanical. (Cost – $5,800)

Bell Center
• The Bell Wood & Metal shop expansion project continues to progress with footings and the slab floor completed. Installation of CMU block on the exterior walls is completed and framing / roof work underway. This project is currently about 30% completed. Contractor is K.L.McIntyre Construction. (Cost – $435,561)
• Exterior painting of Bell Center is progressing as planned with about 95% completed. A few areas of peeling have been discovered and the RCSC is following up on this issue with the contractor. Contractor is Quality Painting. (Cost – $86,971)
• Commencing in April 2013, both lawn bowl greens at Bell Center will be completely renovated. Work will include new backboards, plinth boards, a new drainage system, concrete walkway replacement, new Bermuda grass and a new irrigation system including a booster pump. Project bids have been received and the project packet is being prepared for submittal to the RCSC bid commission.

Sundial Center / Riverview Pro Shop
• Two replacement signs for the Riverview golf course are scheduled to be installed. One sign has been installed on the pro shop building and the other will be installed by the #10 tee box sometime in March or early April. Unfortunately, this project has been delayed due to some health problems with the contractor. Contractor is Apollo Signs. (Cost – $13,898)
• The elevator at Sundial Center is currently being evaluated for necessary upgrades to the electrical control panel, hydraulic pump and fire system. Other items must also be upgraded to meet new elevator codes such as a sump pump in the bottom of the shaft and dedicated mechanical equipment to maintain the elevator equipment room temperature.
• The Riverview Pro/Snack shop building will be receiving a new standing seam metal roof. The roof replacement is needed to replace the existing worn out and broken tile roof. The contractor for this project is Starkweather Roofing. (Cost – $29,882)
• Exterior painting of the Riverview Pro Shop and Cart Barn buildings will commence after the roof is replaced. The contractor for the project will be Silverado Painting. (Cost – $5,345)

Marinette Center / Willow Golf
• The Marinette building expansion project cardholder meeting results are still being reviewed and considered. Final results regarding the Marinette expansion/remodel project will be shared with cardholders in the near future.
• The septic system leach field at Willowbrook Golf Course has now been rebuilt. Contractor was A-American. (Cost – $6,000)

Skilled Trades Department
• The RCSC skilled Trades department completed 128 work orders during February and March 2013

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